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Combining B&B with other activies + PACS/Marriage and the business

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I'm currently PACsed with my French partner, but last night she talked about getting married - partly because she hates her French surname, but also because we have a baby and if something happened to one of us, being married takes care of things better than a PACS (I think it reduces the tax taken from the assets), short of getting a notaire and doing a will... (I know, it doesn't sound terribly romantic, but neither of us really care about the ideology behind marriage!)

It got us wondering about the longer term implications, because in two or three years time, we'd like to move and start up a small B&B. I wish to keep doing the work I do now as a small micro-BIC (I'm not on the AE scheme) as it brings in a moderate income, and my partner also would have an income from renting. Is it possible to keep my business, in my name and for the B&B activities (+ income from renting) in my partner's name. I would assume she would then be an AE under the BNC regime for services (I'm sure I read somewhere that B&B's will no longer be allowed to continue operating as a commercial activity with the more generous threshold and 71% abattement?).

Does being married have implications in running a business under one roof?

I am assuming it's irrelevant whether you're simply living together, PACsed, or married, but I thought it worth posing the question now. I intend to get an accountant at a later date, who can do all the in's and out's, but didn't want to rush into marriage now, if I thought it could have a negative impact in the future.

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