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Channel 4 searching for British restaurant owners in France

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Yeah, actually I had a phone call from one of the producers of this show on Tuesday last week and I turned them down. The guy said GR likes to visit France and wants help out a struggling British-owned restaurant here. My reasons for saying 'no' ? - because 1) Ive never had a plate of food returned to me or complained about and, 2) GR is a 'word that begins with 'wa' has 'nk' in the middle and 'er' at the end.'

In my eyes anyway. Can't stand him.

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Yeah, actually I had a phone call from one of the producers of this show on Tuesday last week and I turned them down. The guy said GR likes to visit France and wants help out a struggling British-owned restaurant here. My reasons for saying 'no' ? - because 1) Ive never had a plate of food returned to me or complained about and, 2) GR is a 'word that begins with 'wa' has 'nk' in the middle and 'er' at the end'.

In my eyes anyway. Can't stand him.

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I totally agree with you Wen but I am surprised you had such a choice word for him.  I see you both as very similar people myself.

Anyway, you have got to give it to the guy, he actually delivered in turning these eateries around.  He knows his stuff and has probably never had a plate returned to him either.  Hey, another similarity..... you are both perfect[:D]

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He is not to everyones taste and I have read of several food critics who have returned a plate or two at his establishment. Anyway, I was not rude to you in my post. But then again you are just a katie and I wont hold that against you.  Have nice day!.


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Katie...thanks. You know what? when I see Clarissa (2 Fat Ladies)...well, the word 'Katie' comes to mind. Its the 'cooking' subject you see. Similarities everywhere!!. And I dont need an icon to drive the point home...

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Actually GR is currently being sued for dishonesty in those 'fix up the restaurant' shows. And I am not surprised. I know a few people who have been the subject of these popular  'go and live in France and find Utopia' shows, and they all tell me the same thing...the majority of the situations are staged for the cameras. I know of only one couple who actually read their contract and then sat down and re-wrote it so they did not look like complete idiots.  Like I said, GR is a wanker (thanks for the stars Monsieur le Moderateur [;, )and no way could I tolerate that bloke in my establishment. He's a fake artist.

I advise nobody take part in these 'reality' shows, they are only after sensationlism and 'you' come out looking the fool.

Ok, Just K, if you are that bored then PM me and I will tell you which forum 'M' is currently appearing on. If you are that big a fan that is.


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[quote user="wen"]Actually GR is currently being sued for dishonesty in those 'fix up the restaurant' shows. [/quote]

He has sued a newspaper in the UK for making similar claims and won.

The case making the headlines now is in the US.

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[quote user="wen"]

Yeah, actually I had a phone call from one of the producers of this show on Tuesday last week and I turned them down. The guy said GR likes to visit France and wants help out a struggling British-owned restaurant here. [/quote]

Didn't you take it as an insult Wen?

Why would they think that you would be 'struggling British-owned restaurant' or did someone set you up?


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Hi Chipie,

firstly we are not a restaurant, or struggling. We are a hotel with a dining room for guests. However, we have been contacted several times over the past few years by the producers of these types of shows...(No Going Back; The Hotel Inspector in France-never made it as a series it seems; and various shows with Mr Ramsay). They go on the internet looking for 'France', 'hotel/B&B', 'British owner' (him British, not me), 'dining room' etc, and understandably there is not a shortage of fodder. We advertise our dining room as our 'restaurant' so that is probably why the Ramsay mob called us. Mr Producer told me that Mr Ramsay 'likes to come to France now and then and wants to help out a British owned restaurant here that might be struggling in some way'. I said 'not interested and not necessary'. I share my kitchen with no one. He then asked if I knew of any other Brit owned places in the area that needed help as they wanted to do an episode in this region. I replied that I don't. And not only that, but I would NEVER dob in someone elses business as 'needing help'. And Id have no respect for anyone else that did such a thing.[:@]

I do not like the way these shows are made. And from what Im told, appearing on them does nothing much for business...all you get are endless phone calls and emails from curiousity seekers. And Ive no time for that.

So no, I was not insulted at all. Nice to know that 'google' is doing the job properly though[:)]


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