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Registered Architect/Maitre D'Oeuvre sought

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After several months of being let down and utterly messed about, we are looking for a RELIABLE recommendation or indeed an individual or Company to undertake the complete renovation of a 16th Century property.

The property is not particularly large, but is of some historic interest (it was formerly a Bridge Guard House and latterly a Forge). Certain features will need to be renovated in a manner which befits the property's history and age.

It is important that the person proposed or proposing themselves is able to oversee all works, to include all plans and permissions. Since communication is important, the owners (who live in the UK) have asked ourselves (resident close to the property in question) to act as point of contact.

The property is near Craon (53), about 25kms south of Laval.

The property can be viewed at any time.

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