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A Bunch of Flakes...or Something Else

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We have been advertising with a major listings site (no names, no

packdrill) for four years now. About six weeks ago they sent a renewel

reminder for early september. Now I have every intention of renewing,

but I've not yet got round to it. About a week ago we had a sudden

upsurge in enquiries from this site - at the rate of one or two per

day. All different: different dates, different emails, etc. We have

replied to all of them....and have heard not a Dicky back from any of


This strikes me as a little odd. Could it be just possible that the

site managers are (rather crudely) seeking to remind me of just how

much business they put our way to remind me that I really should pay

promptly? Or is this just the season for flakes? Anyone else had

anything similar?[8-)]

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All the time !

The more "serious" don't appear to do it, well not often anyway but

some of the ones in their need to get more subscribers or rather keep

the ones they have have, will to my mind, certainly try a bit of old

flannel to keep the money coming in.

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The email addresses... are they consistently from one or two service providers? Mostly hotmail or yahoo or any of the other easily acquired (and "thrown away") addresses? Equally, it's been cr*p weather in the UK for about the last month - so it could be people looking for some autumn sunshine. Couldn't it? [:P]

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We had the same experience with a couple of free trial sites just as the free trial period was coming to an end.  If they don't reply and all you've got is a freebie email address as a contact (no home address or telephone number) I'd say it's dodgy dealings.

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