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To decamp or not to decamp...


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Hi Melanie

Just a couple of points.

Have you been in retailing childrens clothes before in the UK ? Are you thinking of having a shop or selling from your house ? Can you afford not to make a profit for the first couple of years? Retailing is a very tough market place and the biggest reason for retailers going pop is that they are under capitalised at the outset.

In terms of buying a property I think that you would be better off to consider buying land and new building, which is always less expensive than refurbishment and you would be able to make it completely child friendly.

I wish you good luck in your venture but tread very gently if you are a novice in the retail area.




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if one of your reasons tomove is to get away from tony blah and his shenagans then have a look at sarkosy the elections are next year and the political circus is on the move le pen is still a strong voice and echos of thatchers britain are here socialist france is beeing slowly eroded while the consumer led american dream is becoming more evident. maybe a biased opinion but please dont think france is the land of milk and honey because it is becoming more and more a difficult place to survive both for the english and the french

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