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I want to move to France


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This is my first time on here and would like to ask a couple of questions which you might be able to help me with.


My wife and I love France and with our children grown up and gone are looking to move to France for good. We both have good jobs here but are ready to give it all up.

We are looking for a small gite complex with maybe 1 or 2 small gites with potential for updating and expansion. Or even a house which out buildings to convert into a business.


I am not planning to look for a mortgage but to sell our existing house. Putting a little aside for emergencies and renovation I would be looking to spend up to around £80,000 to £100,000 I feel very positive….am I mad ?

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Not mad, but, not knowing what the 'small sum' for renovation and contingencies might be, I would say unrealistically optimistic. You would need somewhere to live yourself, and to get somewhere habitable with easily-converted outbuildings you are looking at rather more than the equivalent of £100,000 in most of France. And what do you intend to live on in France?

Best thing to do is to actually go and visit agents in France to see what is on the market, don't rely on outdated internet sites or old TV programmes which invariably give old prices and only half of the story.



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Research, research, research.................then you'll find that virtually the whole of france is covered with gites. It's a saturated market place. That's not to say it's not possible but you have to offer something special and/or different if you need to make a living from it.

just my opinion.................................[:)]

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