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Something Not Quite Right


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I had a mailshot from a company which is supposedly part of a well know cheap flight airline that flies to most of France. The mailshot (or more to the point email) is offering a special advertising deal based on a future presence on the airlines main website. This is aimed at property owners.

Three things, the airline already have an exclusive tie to a company for this and B&B's as well. I forwarded the email to the airline and asked if they knew about it and they advised me not to spend any money with this company (I don't have a rental property so I wouldn't anyway). Finally, the email was trapped by Mailwasher as spam.

Of course the person who answered my email at said airline may not have heard that their company was offering this type of service but I am not so sure. Personally, if I had a Gite etc, I would think long and hard and would also do some checking before I placed an advertisement with these people.

Oh I forgot the URL (and the website) has nothing that indicates it is anything to do with said airline.

I may well be wrong (if I am I apologize in advance) but if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck it's normally a duck.

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I did see the link on the website but it seems only to be for owners to join / register. There is no option, either for potential holiday makers or interested gite owners, to look at already registered properties anywhere, either through the website itself or a search engine. In fact, the search engine brought me back to the registration page.

BTW, £100 didn't seem exhorbitant to me. Well, I suppose not if it worked!!


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Tell you what, send me your £100 and I'll tell my mates in my ex local back in UK about your Gites.

You won't get any business out of it but at least you'll be able to bathe in the comfort of knowing your £100 went to a deserving cause [;-)]

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[quote user="ErnieY"]

Tell you what, send me your £100 and I'll tell my mates in my ex local back in UK about your Gites.

You won't get any business out of it but at least you'll be able to bathe in the comfort of knowing your £100 went to a deserving cause [;-)]


Now look here Ernie, I found it so we should go 50/50 on the money, which pub and whats your poison [B] [;-)]

There seems to be an abundance of people, mainly doctors who want to stay at my 'Hotel' for some sort of meeting nearby about the second coming (or something similar) from just about every country in the world you can think of. Perhaps if I took all the bank draft payments for the rooms (all ten of them and I'm only a CDH [8-|]), the car hire hire (about 3 limo's), the six or seven laptops and ten or so mobile phones they want me to buy in advance we could do a runner with the cheques, what do you reckon? We could be millionaires by this time next year.

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