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Hi everyone

Just a quickie to pick your brains!  With the way the insurance system works in France for prperty and possessions, does anyone out there with gites with French insurance (with responsibilite civile) have written into their terms and conditions or ask for, the attestations from French guests called the Contrat d'assurance Villegiature or have copies etc of other foreign guest insurance cover??  If not, how do you go on if someone trashes your place ( and I mean trash it!!) and the caution doesn't cover it??  Bit of a minefield with the way the insurance system is in france. As alway, all responses greatly received[:D]

Thanks in advance


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It is a minefield.

British guests managed to wreck the brand new washing machine and left the suite needing specialist cleaning.At that time no security deposit was being taken(things have since changed and 300 euros is asked).

They were asked for details of their insurance. It was with a large UK insurance coy.

Then the problems started.

The UK insurance coy failed to respond to our French insurance coy.I telephoned the UK coy and was told that the policy holder had to make a claim against the insurance and if the policy holder did not make a claim tough.

Of course,the policy holder, now back in the UK, never did make a claim and he was pretty secure in the knowledge that he would hardly be pursued thro the courts for 600 euros.

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Hi Boiling a frog, thanks for your reply. 

Do you have protection juridique with your insurance for the gite, the reason I ask is I have been told some insurance for protection juridique (personal and business cover) doesn't include protection for holiday homes/gite rural, although there are one or two companies that do it, but its finding out who and they have a high premium! Having said that, if the French insurers can't chase the English and other foreign insurers, then one has to ask oneself why bother! Which takes me to my original question about what other gite owners do, do you demand payment there and then (not talking about broken pots n pans that will be covered with the security deposit) but major damage or do you try and fight the insurer??  Like you said Boiling a frog, its a minefield!!!  Thanks again


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