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Would this be a gite business or something else?


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If we have a leisure site with fishing ponds, a swimming pond and log cabins and were to let the log cabins for holidays, with fishing either included or as an optional extra, would this be classed as a gite business or as something else?  If something else - what?

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I remember stuff in the papers about people getting into trouble for doing this in the Limousin without being properly registered as a business but I don't know whether this had to be as a 'fishing business' in particular or just any business with proper insurance rather than just renting out cabins/lakes on the quiet. 

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You suggest linking two very distints types of businesses under one umbrella. I am not a specialist, but I think the problem you would come across is one of registration, i.e. which is your main business and how can you add the other to it without having to register two businesses.

Each business has a very clear classification.

The accommodation part of your business would most probably come under this one:

55.20Z Hébergement touristique et autre hébergement de courte durée

Terrains de camping et parcs pour caravanes ou véhicules de loisirs

Autres hébergements

Cette sous-classe comprend la mise à disposition d'un lieu d'hébergement, généralement sur une base journalière ou hebdomadaire, principalement pour un séjour de courte durée comprenant, dans un espace limité, des pièces complètement meublées ou des espaces de vie, de repas et de repos et disposant d'installations pour cuisiner ou de cuisines intégrées. Il peut s'agir d'appartements situés dans de petits bâtiments indépendants à plusieurs niveaux ou dans des ensembles de bâtiments ou de maisons, cabanes, pavillons ou chalets isolés. Lorsque des services supplémentaires sont proposés, ils sont d'un niveau minimal.

Cette sous-classe comprend :

- les maisons de vacances pour enfants et autres

- les appartements et pavillons de vacances

- les maisons familiales de vacances sans service de chambre quotidien

- les auberges de jeunesse et les refuges de montagne

Cette sous-classe ne comprend pas :

- l'hébergement avec service quotidien des lits et nettoyage de la chambre (cf. 55.10Z)

- la mise à disposition de maisons et d'appartements meublés ou non pour un usage plus permanent, généralement sur une base mensuelle ou annuelle


The fishing part of your business would probably come under this other one:

03.12Z Pêche en eau douce

Cette sous-classe comprend :

- la pêche à des fins commerciales en eaux intérieures

- la capture de crustacés et de mollusques d'eau douce

- la capture d'animaux aquatiques d'eau douce

Cette sous-classe comprend aussi :

- la récolte de produits d'eau douce

Cette sous-classe comprend aussi :

- le greffage d'huîtres perlières

- l'aquaculture dans les eaux saumâtres

- l'aquaculture dans des citernes ou des réservoirs remplis d'eau salée

- la pisciculture marine

- l'exploitation de fermes d'élevage de vers marins

Cette sous-classe ne comprend pas :

- la transformation des poissons, des crustacés et des mollusques (cf. 10.20Z)

- les services d'inspection, de protection et de surveillance de la pêche (cf. 84.24Z)

- la pêche pratiquée en tant qu'activité sportive ou récréative et les services annexes (cf. 93.19Z)

- l'exploitation de réserves pour la pêche sportive (cf. 93.19Z)


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There is a place near us which is ostensibly a gite complex but also offers services (to the English-speaking world only) like golfing holidays and tuition - which would seem to be a rather similar situation to your fishing holidays.

Other services offered there include restaurant/bar with entertainment (mostly failed X factor contestants), and British football on large-screen Sky TV. The place's website suggests that these 'add-ons' are for those staying there, but the place (and the golf, entertainment, 'all-you-can-eat' buffets etc.) is open to, and widely advertised to, the general public on certain other anglophone websites.

It has been difficult to find a Siret number, I could not see one on the web or in any advertising, but did eventually track one down to a company called 'SARL 19th hole' which is registered as 'Village de vacances en demi-pension, location de gîtes '.

So as they seem to get away with such a wide range of offerings, you should have no problem with your idea.


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  • 3 months later...

Firstly to the original question, contact the chambers of commerce they are very helpful, although you may be passed from one department to another.

I am the owner of the for mentioned SARL 19th hole which is the trading company for Bellefontaine Park. The posting states that we "seem to get away with such a wide range of offerings", in actual fact we sat for many hours with the chambers of commerce and created our Kabis to cover all the activities that we wanted to cover.

Personally I feel that this kind of forum should be where you can get information from,  and help each other, not "slag" of people when you have no idea of what you are talking about. English, French and Spanish are spoken at Bellefontaine Park and our residents and guests are multi-national, only last month we held a French Christening, Wedding and Birthday Party, so I do take offence of someone saying we only cater for the English. And as for failed X-Factor acts if you call Journey South (whom first album went double Platinum) Rowetta whom has recorded with Billy Ocean, Simply Red etc. and Ben Mills as failed acts then yes we have failed acts here.

Let’s all work and help each other, after all aren’t we all here for a better and peaceful life?


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