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Gite Telephones


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Hi all,

Just completed a two year barn conversion, a new gite on our site. We have a telephone connection to the house which was installed a couple of years ago. My question is we now need a telephone in the gite, can you give us some advise on what system to have, ie its own connection and number, a payphone, a party line with ours ....... also when we had the phone connected to the house I had a number to contact with an english speaking operator who organized the connection, can anyone give me that number please.

Many thanks


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Logic would suggest that the gite should have its own number to avoid tying up your own house phone line, which would mean it would need a seperate line and rental agreement?

There is no easy way I know of to get an itemised list in real-time to charge renters for calls made apart from the monthly bill which would come too late for most rental periods. Personally, if I were putting a phone in, I wouldnt even consider it unless it was a payphone.

Seems like an un-needed expense to me. The monthly line rental, installation costs, and equipment cost will add noticeably to your running costs, and for very little real benefit imo. Very few people dont have mobile phones now. The only advanage would be if you were in a reception blackspot. We can only receive Orange signals here, which is mentioned on the website, and have had no complaints....guests are out and about daily so will always get the opertunity to get reception on other networks away from the house, and if there were for example a medical emergency in the gite, my house landline could be used.


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