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Complete France Forum

Looking for Holiday Accommodation Owners


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 Dear all - firstly I hope that making this request doesn't break any forum rules...

I have been helping a friend launch her new charity in France.  She has registered and launched her society and now has a website that advertises holidays in France for children, families and adults living with ASD, Autism and Aspergers.  One of the aims of the association is to develop a website of properties that are ASD friendly... enabling folks to enjoy holidays in France in a ASD friendly and welcoming environment.

The website address is www.happykidsholidays.com

Emma has contacted literally hundreds of groups, local authorities, sure starts, children centres, health workers and other UK groups and forums, spreading the word about happykids and so far, over the last few weeks, she has received lots and lots of requests for specific holidays where we currently don't have property (for example near Disneyland)

I suggested posting on wider French forums (like this one) to see if there are any property owners who would be interested in offering ASD friendly holidays and if so, to ask them to look at the website and if interested to please contact emma@happykidsholidays.com.

As I mentioned, happykidsholidays is a charity and neither myself or my friend own holiday accommodation nor will we make any profit from this, it is simply a great idea to help those living with ASD.

Many thanks

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funny you should mention that John, we do have a pack and when I posted I did think perhaps I should add the info as a downloadable link on the website... think I'll mention it to Emma and if she's happy I'll add it as a pdf file.

Thanks for the feedback

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