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Compulsory registration of gîte / holiday rental (meublé de tourisme)


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If you run a gîte (meublé de tourisme, as furnished holiday rentals are called in France), you must be registered with your mairie.

This registration became compulsory on 27 Décember 2009.

If you are already running a holiday rental, you must register before 30 June 2010.

If you are not yet running a holiday rental, you must register before opening for business.

It is vital to

obtain a receipt when registering.

The form to complete

can be downloaded here: CERFA

N° 14004*01

The relevant legislation can be read here: Décret n°2009-1652 du 23 décembre 2009 publié au Journal officiel du 27 décembre 2009

A basic translation of the

above text states:

[quote] CHAPITRE VI:

I. - Subsection 1 of Section 1 of Chapter IV of Title II of Book

III (regulations) of the Code of Tourism is supplemented by an article

as follows:

"Art.D. 324-1-1.-The declaration of the furnished holiday rental provided for in Article L. 324-1-1 is registered at the mairie of the town which is the accommodation is located, by any means required in order to obtain

a receipt.

"The declaration specifies the identity

and address of the person registering, the address of the furnished holiday rental,  the number

of rooms contained within the accommodation, the number of beds and the proposed rental periods.

"Any change concerning

the information contained in the declaration is the subject of a new

declaration at the town hall.

"The list of furnished holiday accommodation is available at the town hall. "

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