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New classification system for gites


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I was invited to a presentation given by Lot Tourisme at our local mairie yesterday. They were introducing the new system of  classification which will apply to gites (and other holiday locations). This is based on a law that was passed in 2009 to reform and modernise tourism

My understanding of rapidly spoken French is a bit shaky, but I got the key points.

The existing classifications (stars) which come from the prefecture will expire in July 2012.

The visit to check that an independant gite meets the criteria for the applied-for classification will cost €145 (in the Lot at least) and €100 for a second property at the same address.  A request then needs to be filed with the prefecture, and when the classification is awarded a declaration is made to your local mairie. The classification will be valid for 5 years.

Those who are covered by Gites de France or Cle Vacance will have a single visit to classify for both, which I think will be carried out by these agencies. 

Having a classification is not compulsory, but it will entitle you to

the 71% abattement on your income before tax in the Micro BIC regime.

Otherwise the abattement will be only 50%.

The organisation in charge of the rollout of the new system is ATOUT France.

More information on their website at http://www.classement.atout-france.fr

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We used to get the abatement but last year and again this year (just visited the accountant) he told us that no matter what it is 50% abatement only.

We are in the Haute Garonne, midi Pyrenees - does anyone know how to go back to the 71% abatement in this area - be really grateful - this topic is driving me absolutely mad.


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