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New classification criteria for gites/meublés de tourisme


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Five years after the gite being inspected and given a classification (old thread HERE), I have just received a reminder that the gite is due for another inspection and classification.

The paperwork is very detailed and although the pressure cooker is still compulsory, it can be replaced by a faitout (large cooking pot) or a steamer.

This time, they seem to have got their act together and there is a website where owners can find out what the requirements are for each level of classification. The following page deals specifically with meublés de tourisme:


The classification criteria is HERE (pdf).

Items marked X are compulsory for the classification level indicated and items marked O are optional but desirable.

Five years ago, I paid 50€. This time, it will cost 145€ (and an extra 100€ per additional property inspected the dame day.)

Five years ago, I had to wait nearly 12 months for the inspection. This time, it should be done between October and December 2011.

It is my understanding that a classification (either independent, as mine was 5 years ago and will be again later this year, or via Clévacances or Gites de France) has/will become compulsory for all holiday rentals.

As registration of all holiday rentals at the mairie became compulsory in December 2009 (see HERE), the préfectures have a list to work from and I have no doubt owners will be asked to prove their holiday rental meets the basic criteria.

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[quote user="Clair"]

It is my understanding that a classification (either independent, as mine was 5 years ago and will be again later this year, or via Clévacances or Gites de France) has/will become compulsory for all holiday rentals.


Thanks for posting Clair - could you also say where your understanding that ALL holiday rentals will need to be classified comes from? Is there a texte for this? One of my gîtes is unclassifiable because the beam in the living area is a few centimetres under the 2m height required - but I manage to let it for 35 weeks per year regardless.

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Perhaps you might find this of interest.

Recensement et classement des meublés de tourisme........


A friend of mine who has a gite close by has a letter from the tourist board explaining (in French & English!) that by Dec 2011 the prefecture will STOP classifying gites and that the gite owner may choose any one of the authorised bods to inspect for classification! After this letter he did ask for clarification on some points, one was indeed will all gites have to be classified . They were absolutely adamant that seasonal gites (5 months I think) would always remain optional for classification. Gites open 12 months of the year was not discussed.
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I don't have a text to quote.

As I said, it is my understanding of all the paperwork, texts and articles I have read since registration of holiday rentals has become compulsory.

As I see it, everything points to a time when all rentals will be rated, in order for potential clients to be able to ascertain what to expect for a given rating.

On the matter of the minimum height, the paperwork I have says it is 1.80m, not 2m.

It is something I queried 5 years ago, as my bedrooms are in a converted attic, where areas are well below 1.80m. Only area where the height is over 1.80m is calculated in the habitable space.

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[quote user="milkeybar kid"]A friend of mine who has a gite close by has a letter from the tourist board explaining (in French & English!) that by Dec 2011 the prefecture will STOP classifying gites and that the gite owner may choose any one of the authorised bods to inspect for classification!...[/quote]Interesting point, as the letter I received today offering the rating inspection was sent by Tourisme-Lot (Comité Départemental du Tourisme du Lot).

The hike in cost is said to be necessary in order not to be seen as undercutting the firms in the private sector also offering inspection ratings.

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