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Warning - faux facture!!


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I received a facture, or what looked like a facture, from www.pagesnet.fr today for nearly 300 euros. I was pretty worried for a bit thinking I'd accidently signed up for something I didn't want, however, on reading the very small, small print, it say that it's 'non obligataire". Some unsuspecting artisan with a load of bills to pay, may have paid it by mistake! So take care, unless you really want to advertise with them.
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[quote]I received a facture, or what looked like a facture, from www.pagesnet.fr today for nearly 300 euros. I was pretty worried for a bit thinking I'd accidently signed up for something I didn't want, howe...[/quote]

Yep, I've had one of these to & you've spotted their get-out (from being persued by the boys in drab blue). Get lots of these, probably as many as legit invoices.

I reckon my local Ch de Metiers are selling addresses (they all have the same spelling mistake). I regard this as more irritating.


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I keep getting faxes saying that by ringing the number on the fax I can find out who locally is in financial trouble or selling their business. This stinks really as I would have no pleasure in knowing any of my fellow inhabitants troubles. I thought we had left this kind of thing behind in the UK. The company sending these out begins with O.
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It may also either be an attempt at phishing, or the result of a virus. I got a lot of emails a few weeks ago telling me that large amounts of money had been taken from my bank account, and if there was anything wrong 'click here', where, no doubt, I would be asked to enter my bank details.
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I have received all of the above and also faxes saying that someone has requested details of my business and my finances and that I should phone an 08 (pay for number) to receive the info.  It seems that there is always someone out there trying to rip you off, wherever you live!!!

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