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paying a bill


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hi, can anyone assist me with a few answers, i will try to explain this as best as i can.

As registered artisans we receive an invoice to pay to another registered artisan, for a service that has been provided to us, but on checking the registered artisans no. on the website available to check it is all above aboard, we find out they are not actually covered to supply the type of job they have invoiced us for.

Now i realise you will all say i should have checked in the 1st place before we employed them, but this is the complicated bit, we didnt employ them, my oh is on a course run by the Chambre de metiers that they have told him he must legally attend as he is a new artisan, the course has been translated in to english for 15 or so individuals, but there has been a cost to pay for this, which is where the invoice comes in, we have halfway through the week received the invoice and my oh was intending to put the invoice through the books as a business expense which he has been told he can do, but he is now worried if he does this and anyone checks on the invoice he will be fined. 

i hope this makes sense, any views would be greatly appreciated.




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Could be that the website doesn't give full details of what the artisan is registered to do. On checking http://www.cofacerating.fr/portail/recherche_entreprise_inter/recherche_entreprise.asp?IP=ECHOS this website gives very sparse details of the different works we are registered for. Just give the bill to your accountant and let him/her do the worrying.
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I think you are worrying yourselves unecessarily here. If it was me I would put this invoice through the books you are starting to keep,make a note to explain what happened to your accountant and as regards the artisan not being registered,that is not your fault but theirs. At least you have some paperwork which a lot of iffy businesses don't even supply. As you are just starting out,you do get a certain amount of leeway until you get into the swing of things and its better to have some actual paperwork than nothing at all. If this artisan who supplied you is doing it wrong then its the authorities and not you who will deal with them. Try this other site www.infobilan.fr as I have often found cofacerating is not always upto date and vice-versa and sometimes businesses/artisans are registered under different names.
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