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does anyone have info on liaibility insurance for self employed builders


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[quote user="Blade"]who might want to set up in france? thanks in advance. tried a search but nothing seems to be coming up.[/quote]

Any high-street insurance broker will be able to help (there are not many "direct" companies, as there are in  the UK). Bloody and I mean BLOODY expensive, though.

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If you are going to be a general entreprise doing several trades then you need to budget for at least 3500-4000€ per annum and the companies that cover building trades are far and few between as this is specialist and not general insurance. You will be informed of companies providing this service when you do your five day Chambre de Metiers course to be registered to work in France and to gain your Siret and TVA registration.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, see below a rough quote from my insurance to set up as Menuiserie Interieur et Exterieur and maybe Charpente ..

The rates for "charpente" are much higher than the ones for "menuiserie intérieure et extérieure".


For now, the premiums would be:

§ 266,79 E a month for charpente & menuiserie

§ 124,60 E a month for menuiserie only


hope that helps ..


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  • 3 weeks later...
We were quoted €2000 for carpentry, menusery & maconry, however in reality it was €3000 because my husband had learnt his trades outside of France. It reduces by % over 3 years until same as French.  You also need public liability approx €300.  We had to join CAPEB to get these reduced rates.  ALso we never had to do a 5 day chambres de metiers course to get registered, just had to prove qualifications.  Hope this helps
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We are fully registered and insured as a "general builder" sarl.  The only company we have found in 6yrs of trading that will cover our decannale and civil liabilities for "everything" is AXA.  We shopped around a few years ago, and even after having no claims on our policies for over 4yrs (as it was then) no one would insure us for all trades unless we had 1 employee per seperate trade.  The French do not seem to understand the concept of a general builder? 


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The French do not seem to understand the concept of a general builder? 

Presumably because they atrach so much importance to the apprenticeship system.

By the time a "general builder" had done 5 or 6 apprenticeships they would be past retirement age.

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Have to agree with Charles . I've been insured with MAAF for seven years now and am insured for most general building trades, including electrical and plumbing.  I remember it raised a few eyebrows when we first set up in business, but after a few meetings, they accepted us. However I would agree with others that it is a VERY expensive insurance!

As Patrick mentions, I remember the notion of general builders was virtually unheard of when I bought property here 17 years ago. Things have changed slightly now and there are more and more Businesses  like ours trading as general builders or Entreprise Generale du Batiment, (both French and English).

Paul Punchard


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I was interested in the posting about MAFF as the one in Mayenne informed me they could not insure one tradesman for all trades, they wanted a seperate tradesman, CDI contract, on the books for each element (which I assume is what others have).  In essence a "general building company" is acceptable but a fully qualified "general builder" is not understood.  The concept of one single "general builder" as a person is still hard to get across to the French.   
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Even if you are registered for several trades (and proved this to the chambres de metiers) it is still near impossible to get insurance for all the trades you cover as one person.  I asked the question if the prefecture & chambres de metiers can authorise the trades why can't the insurance company insure them, the answer was 'this is France'.
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I am registered with the Chambre de Metiers as an 'Entreprise Generale du Batiment' and my insurance with the MAAF covers the following:

  1. Macon Beton arme
  2. Carreleur
  3. Couvreur
  4. Plombier
  5. Electricien
  6. Charpentier
  7. Menuisier

I can add or remove trades as I wish. It used to be a problem and for many years I had two seperate policies one for Macon/Couvreur and the other for Plombier/Electricien

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Sounds as if MAFF may have changed their criteria since last time I contacted them for a quote.  We are insured for the above mentioned trades with AXA on one single policy and it's always nice to have a comparison quote, especially seeing as renewal is due in April this year!  Will see what MAFF mayenne have to say this time of asking?
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