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A warning


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In all the years of working legally in France and submitting PdeC and D de T forms we have just had one back accompanied by a printed leaflet warning us of working on the black, the penalties for both worker and employer and so on, two A4 sides of rules and reg and something I have never seen before. Wonder if it is being aimed at all english artisans and property owners here in Brittany now as there are so many on the black the authorities are losing millions of euros in unpaid charges and taxes.
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was it written in french or english. if the latter i am sure its just the kindly french authorities making sure english artisans fully understand the relevant legislation. if in french no boubt a make work gesture for there office. why worry !
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Not worried at all,just an observation that the authorities seem to be cracking down on anyone english and our name is french origin anyway with many of the same name in France,but the property owner is english which could have been why.
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Val_ 2

I cannot see the connection? why would the authorities send you that because the owners are english?

and you didnt answer the question, was the warning in french or english?

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A report in the local paper said that artisans  in a town near us

( the famous Condom ) were meeting with the authorities to talk about

clamping down on "black" workers, but this was gangs of workers from

countries recently joined to the EU. They are being employed to work on

the many new lotissements. Pat.

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I had trouble logging on last night so could not reply further. It was in french which I understand very well and as I said, was the first one I have ever seen in over 11 years of working here and submitting many papers so presumed it was something new and to do with the ever persistant problem of le travail noir. Perhaps being in a different dept to us as well has something to do with it. No need for such antagonistic replies to a simple observation.
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This is nothing new. We had one with a PdeC 8 years ago in Normandy. Lots of Microsoft clip-art black pin men characters with dire warnings about the consequences of using workers on the black - bad workmanship, penalties, no guarantee etc.


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So in summary, it is an information leaflet for registered artisans / companies warning against the use of illegal labour.

Not aimed at the english at all.!

It annoys me intensely that there are a small number of posters, to this forum particularly, who cannot refrain from the immediate reply to many posts, in a very condescending and almost head teacher manner ( apologies to all head teachers ). Anxious to pass on the most negative aspects of setting up a business here in France.

They proceed to relate to the "hanging offence" of working unregistered, and just to finish off any ideas of actually registering proceed to give a blow by blow account of how crippling the social charges are, and the truth about social charges is quite different, as I think one of the replies in this thread suggests, as has also been my experience.

How about some real POSITIVE help once in awhile ???????

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ive wrote a reply,that was edited becouse tj s post was edited.question is,is every thing being edited without people knowing,seems like freedom of speach is going out the window with this forum,and yes i did mind my post being edited wether it made sense or not
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Hi Tj,


Totally agree with your post.  Having followed this forum for many years before and after arriving here in France, I must agree with you about the negative attitude of some of the contributors. I had actually stopped posting because I was fed up with certain people constantly feeling they knew better than me. BUT............ I was working on a site in Quimper several months ago , Im a painter and decorator employed by a French firm, and a chap came round everyone on site and asked who we were working for amd checked our equipment and paint supplies ostensibly for health and safety but Im not convinced. He checked every worker on the site amd noted the names of the companies involved.  I had heard whispers before about checks but this is the first time I have experienced this personally.


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It is very helpful though, to know that these things are being checked and I find the information gleaned very helpful. Unfortunately I have had a negative experience as a result of a company which exceeded its remit and tried to do stuff they neither had the capacity, skills or documentation to deliver. If it hadn't been for this site, and being able to ask questions of people, I wouldn't have had the knowledge and confidence to take a rogue business to court and get the money back they owed me.


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[quote user="Lizfjr"]

It is very helpful though, to know that these things are being checked and I find the information gleaned very helpful. Unfortunately I have had a negative experience as a result of a company which exceeded its remit and tried to do stuff they neither had the capacity, skills or documentation to deliver. If it hadn't been for this site, and being able to ask questions of people, I wouldn't have had the knowledge and confidence to take a rogue business to court and get the money back they owed me.




Okay, that sounds useful information too, care to take us through that on a separate thread perhaps.  That would be helpful to a lot of people. You don't have to name names but if the site helped you, perhaps you could help it.


On the subject matter, I have heard of workers on the black being targetted on new build sites - I guess that is where the money is for them ona regular basis. But I doubt this is anything new.


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Well the case was initially heard on 20th April and referred back to the tribunal for 18th May because the company concerned had sent a cheque to my avocat for the amount I was owed, plus fees, plus damages, but my lawyer was suspicious and wanted to be sure that it cleared so he kept it on the court schedule.

I went to the first hearing, but not the hearing last Thursday so I am waiting to hear from my avocat how it went and, hopefully get a cheque from him. I am expecting that to happen in the next day or two. Just as soon as I hear that the courts are finished with the whole thing and I have my money, I will be a bit more helpful with another thread.

Not sure if the proceedings at the tribunaux are published anywhere, but if they are, Avallon was the place and, as I said, the case was heard on 18th April and 20th May.

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Thanks for that info Liz - I'm in the middle of a dispute with a large supplier of wood (destined for a timber frame house - details elsewhere) and later this morning I am being visited by a representative of the CTBA and the timber treatment company employed by said supplier to bring the timber they sold up to the advertised Class 2.  I'm expecting that this will have to go to court and it's heartening to know that it's possible to win. 

Good artisans and suppliers are worth their weight in gold, but the mess made by those less scrupulous can be disastrous.  And it's the biggest who're the worst.....


PS  Which court did you go to?  Premier Instance? 



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