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[8-)]Hi I am a french registered electrician living in dept 19.

I work  on old properties doing all sorts of installations, lately people have been asking about certificate's for the work done.

Can anyone explain this to me and if i need to issue certificates how do i go about doing so.


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Electrician = perhaps CONSUEL Certificate of Conformité for new installations you have done or the Attestations for works carried out at a lower rate of 5,5% TVA or a copy of your Deçennale and Civile Assurance. You need to be bit more specific about exactly what the clients are demanding certificates for.
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Hi I cannot be more specific as the clients are a bit vague as to what they want a certificate for.

All work i do is to properties that already have a metered supply and is mainly resteration work on properties over 2 years old for which i get the client to sign a decleration stating the property is over 2 years old and therefore subject to TVA at 5.5%.

The clients say they need a certificate for their insurance company's i believe a copy of my decennale and civile assurance along with the facture and devis should be enough for the insurance companies. 

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Well thats no problem giving a photocopy of your Deçennale and civile assurance to the client, our insurers always send lots of copies anyway for just this purpose. They probably want to know that you are insured should anything go wrong over the next ten years and that they are covered financially and of course if they sell the property. As for the devis,as long as they have signed an acceptance and you have furnished a proper TVA invoice with your siret and APE no when the work is completed, they should be well covered.There isn't really any other paperwork you can given them I don't think.
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  • 2 weeks later...
I too have been asked for "certificates". Most people seem to be under the impression that they need a CofC issued for works undertaken in a house. I believe it is to do with the regulations that ar in force in the UK regarding electrics that have people recently asking for "certificates" to show to their insurance company. I've asked a client have the insurers demanded this and the simple answer is "no". I'm sorry but work regulations, ethics, systems are not the same all across europe and I wish people would realise the fact. I also believe that all these TV programs  relating to buying abroad have a lot to do the paranoid hysteria.
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