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Help needed for Declaration commune des revenues 2006


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if you operate under a micro with no problems then you fill in the amount of  your gross income for 2006 (in box CD probably - page 2) and then the amount of cotisations obligatoires you paid in box TA page 3. There may be other bits depending on your circumstances but that is the basics. Dont forget to date it and sign it on the front and make a copy!

It might be worth seeking professional ( ie. not mine) advice if you are unsure - I am an artisan in the same boat...


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Hi Danny

In box TA is that the amount of cotisations you paid last year, I assume that's the amount paid to URSSAF (or equivalent) plus RAM (or equivalent) and CIPAV (or equivalent)?  I see it's says excluding CRDS, CSG..



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from the top of my head -  under the micro section, there is one box for 'ventes' and one for 'prestation de services' SO if you are a commercant and all your income is from sales, put the total in the 'ventes' box


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Hi, thanks very much for your reply, I dread this form. last year I  attempted to complete this online for my husband, somehow his password was locked and we had to wait for system support to reset this, this took several difficult technical phone calls and we had to go through it all twice as when they reset it there was still a problem.  Finally it was decided, it would be better if we sent it by post, no probs we said, we sent two and both were subsequently not received, which we didn't realise until we received the letter telling us we would be fined, we finally sent the third one about october as it took this long for them to realise they hadn't received the other two.   Have to say they were very helpful and understanding as form should have been filed by May,  at one point i did think I was never destined to see the back of this form.

So when i reveived two (one each) this year and then read this thread the same day, I was a little more relieved to see I was not alone.


Thanks again.




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Hi ,

I have managed to register online for submission but it won't allow me in to fill the form as it keeps rejecting my husband's social security number - I assumed this to be the number on his carte vitale. Have I got this wrong? Please can somebody tell me. As far as I know we have never received notification of a specific SS number.

Would be very grateful for any input.


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