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I have had a bit of a nightmare with the RSI. They have decided that I was not registered in the right system (their fault they filled out the paper work!)and have backdated extra payments from 2008 to 2010 and want an extra 24,000 Euros! Apparently I should be quite pleased as it should have been 39,000 and backdated to 2006. I'm not a high earner at all, I struggle and the last two years have been frankly a nightmare as work has slowed down. I no longer have an accountant as ours was awful and I changed to autoentrepreneur in 2011 so didnt think it necessary. I have been in contact with the RSI and they want to know my profits from these years, I believe before they only wanted to know the turnover and based a figure on that. So basically what I need to know is how do I work out the profit, is there an certain percentage that you can claim for electric/water etc. I really dont want to or can afford to get an accountant to go back through the accounts just for three years if its something I can do. Any ideas?

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  • 1 year later...
good old RSI!!!!! Best thing you can do is get on to auto-entrepreneur as soon as possible, if you are permitted....pay all your charges, including RSI every three months, all in you pay is 25% tax on declared earnings, all included. If you owe RSI, go and see them, find an arrangement for a sum that you think you owe and they think you owe, be polite, even up against a Stalinist system.....they will and have sent bailiffs to collect unpaid funds, i had three at my house some yrs back, its no laughing matter....they will empty your house and you can be imprisoned if you refuse to pay, do not bury your head in the sand. The minimum RSI payment if you are URL, SARL etc is around 1600euros per yr, even if your business declares zero profit. RSI pays for your health care, so its not going to be for free, otherwise it is 47% of all declared earnings!!! Plus income tax, plus all the other taxes....

work out a monthly repayment amount and stick to it...get clear of the debt and start over under a different financial regime, such as Auto....over all good luck....
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