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above ground with decking


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Hi, I have been trying to find the answer to this one with little success. We have an above ground pool (no bit of it below ground anywhere) with a huge decking area. The decking is about 18 inches below the level of the pool around about 70% of the pool with wide wooden steps down to a paved area. The whole thing is inside what was once a silage clamp and is enclosed on three sides by the old concrete walls that are about 9 feet high on the outside, and appearing about four to five feet high from inside whilst on the decking. The top of these walls is made up of an extra bit of that green mesh fencing and has pretty climbing plants on it, so the whole thing is very pretty and un silage clampish anymore. Painted white too. And a real suntrap. At the front, on the side that was unfenced, my husband has put up a concrete wall to about 3 feet in height, topped with green mesh fencing, and made a metal gate to the same height (about six feet in total) that shuts with a firm bolt and has a padlock overnight between 8.30 in the evening and 9ish in the morning after he has cleaned it out etc and done chemicals. We think this is enough (we have our own three year old and believe me, we are VERY safety conscious where he and other little ones are concerned) - but is it?
We have read that above ground pools do not need to even be fenced in! Of course, ours is, and we want to know if we have legally done enough. Not sure what else we could do as my husband has rightly pointed out that where there is a will there is a way, and if someone truly wants to breach a security barrier they can.
What is the concensus of opinion regarding pools like ours? It is about 1 metre 20 deep, so definitely out of his depth. We can't keep it covered as it has to be open during the daytime.
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It is often said that above ground pools are not covered by the new law, and this makes sense to exclude temporary and plastic pools. The statement from the ministry says that the law covers:

"les piscines prives usage individuel ou collectif (cest--dire les piscines familiales ou rserves des rsidents, les piscines des centres et clubs de vacances, des htels, des gtes ruraux, des campings, etc.) de plein air, dont le bassin est enterr ou semi-enterr.

Ne sont pas concernes :
 les piscines situes dans un btiment
 les piscines poses sur le sol, gonflables ou dmontables.
 les tablissements de natation (piscines vises par la loi du 24 mai 1951), qui font lobjet dune surveillance par un matre sauveteur."

Which does make it sound as though yours would be included as in effect your decking wcould be considered as ground level, and the water would then be partly below this level and it is in any case not "demontable"

From your description you might get away with a self-locking gate to protect the entrance, though if as you say you have a very large decking area the walls might technically be too far away from the pool and hence you would need a secure zone closer to the pool perhaps an alarm.

It all too complicated for me.
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