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Why so quiet on pool security?


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Why has this thread gone so quiet about the cental issue of new pool safety regulations?? Is it because many people are now ignoring the law and waiting until next season to see how strictly the law is implemented?
We know of several pools with no security and guests have clearly arrived. We can see one pool in the valley below our property where a security cover was installed but the guests never use it - it is only covering the pool on changeover day - so a complete waste of money as far as security is concerned - we met one couple staying in that property and they said the cover was too difficult to operate and they did not want to risk breaking it and loosing their security deposit - they also told us that the owner told them it was up to them to choose whether they used the cover or not and could just close the side gate to the property (not even a locking gate) - now that must be complete rubbish according to the law!
We have got an aquasensor in our toddler pool and a infra red rays system around the main pool - all installed by a pool security specialist and we have a certificate to say we conform to Afnor norms! However, the infra red system does not work and we understand the manufacturer has to replace a defunct part! However, our supplier says we are still complying with the law as the fault is not ours and we have tried our best to comply - we have reverted to using our locking gate instead.
For anyone who has had pool security installed - are you getting customers to sign an agreement that they will use the system? At the moment we have just altered our booking form but am not sure that it fully reflects the customers serious responsibility in operating the system. How is everyone else's system working out in practice? - JHC
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Well we went along the lines of the self-closing gate variety requiring both hands to operate the two separate locks.

I explained to the family who arrived last week that the gate is self closing and must not be propped open. I described in detail the drowning in a nearby village last year so they definitely took it seriously.

Their 7 year old lad enjoyed himself twisting and twiddling with the locks whilst I was cleaning the pool and they were all still ok at the end of their stay so I guess that was a good test.

I also have a notice in each property showing how to resussitate which gives emergency numbers as well produced by the Charente - that scares them a bit too.

Our booking conditions clearly state that children must be supervised at all times especially in the pool These are on our booking form which they sign.

Don't feel I can do much more than that except sit on the side of the pool with a whistle which I used to do with my own pool in the UK when the kids were young.

Carole S (16)
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We have had a fence and self locking gate put up. Beyond that I think it's up to people to look after themselves!

I was sceptical about putting up the fences and didn't really want to do it for aesthetic reasons as much as anything. However, they it looks better than I expected and several guests have already commented how good the arrangement is. Whether it means they don't keep a proper eye on their kids or not is a different matter.
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