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Swimming Pool Liners


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Can anyone give me advice on pool liners, please?  Our in ground pool is nearly complete, the liner has been installed and the pool filled with water.  I have noticed that in the four corners, which are obviously right angles, the liner curves around and there is obviously a serious gap between it and the steel panels which the pool is formed from.  I am not sure that this is how it is supposed to be, but my queries to the pool firm have met with a shrug of the shoulders.  I would have thought that a curved fillet should have been inserted in each corner to support the liner...  Most grateful for any advice.


Peter (not Sue)

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I think its normal, you will find it does it between the bottom of the pool and sides too. It may as time goes on squeeze into to the angle over time. What was the temperature when the liner was was fitted and filled with water, it should have been at least 20deg minimum
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I would have thought that any space between a 2.0mm or so vinyl liner and the pool wall or floor would be a serious problem.  When our liner was installed it was sealed along the top edges and vacuum cleaners were extracting the air all night. It was absolutely tight to the pool walls all round before any water went in.


Usually pool liners have the bottom as a separate piece of vinyl, hence the practice of putting a curved filet all the way round the bottom of the pool to ensure no load is put on this join.


Assuming the liner is the correct size for the pool it sounds to me as if it hasn’t been fitted properly.

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I agree with Scorpio.  We also had vacuums sucking out the air behind the liner for over 2 days whilst our pool was being filled. If there is a gap between the wall and the liner then all the weight of the water will be pushing against the liner and it doesn't sound good IMHO.




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Thank you all for responding with your views.  Since my husband posted the original message yesterday we have spoken to Nicolas one of the installers of the liner who was here today, to sort out a small problem with the solar heating, and he tells us that he has done 15  pools and they were all the same as ours.  When they installed the liner they did everything that you mentioned and the vacuum pump was going for almost 24 hours.  They then they started filling the pool.  There is no gap between the base and sides only the corners.  I think it is too late now to do anything anyway but at least the liner is guaranteed for 10 years.

Thanks again.



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Our pool is the same and the bloke that fitted it said that this was normal. The main thing is to impress on little children not to poke it with a sharp stick.................John in 79 PS I notice that the top plastic seal pops out slightly from time to time in the corners and needs pushing back. What you don't want is water behind the liner, that is bad news!
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