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To heat or not to heat?


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LAST EDITED ON 17-Aug-04 AT 06:49 PM (BST)

>Any advice on the pro's and
>con's of heating a 9
>by 4.5mtr swimming pool in
>Dept 17. It's been suggested
>by pool installers anything between
>12Kw and 9Kw? Any suggestions
>or advice on this subject.

Pro's? Pool is warmer. Cons? Costs money... Unless, you use a solar heater, out pool is about 2/3 size of yours & I use 200M of black plastic piping laid over the patio, after the filter.

Raises the temperature up to about 35 degrees on the warmest (read sunniest) days. It has not dropped below 25 degrees reagrdless since I installed it 2 months ago.

You can buy kits, but I made one out of garden hose & a bit of brazing ......


BTW, 9Kw will take a long time to heat a pool ....
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Apart from the cost of the electricity and the fact that many house supplies are not up to that sort of load, had you considered solar heating. Solar is ok for extending the swimming season but no good in winter of course. Kits are available so DIY is quite possible. The area of a solar system needs to be at least half the area of the pool so that is a lot of plastic pipe mats around the garden. I just use a large shallow trough made out of concrete and painted black through which the pool water is pumped. This gives me a rise of 3 degrees Celsius at about six galls/minute. Not really big enough but our pool is usually a few degrees warmer than our neighbours and it needs to be warm to get me in!....................John in Dept 79
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Our pool is heated, it’s not as expensive as you may think but of course this depends largely on the outside temperature and the temperature that you want the water to be. The only down side is that I had to get EDF to update the electricity supply to the house to handle the extra charge!

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If you are going to use electric heating, get a heat pump. Mine gives me 6kW output for 2kW input, not magic, it takes heat from the ambient air.  The water at the moment is 28 degrees, though we do have a big transparent tent over it (Abrimobile).
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Yup, heat pump is the way to go.  For a 9X4.5 pool, reckon on 4-5k euros. The summer should be all right in any case, but this should give you end-May to early Oct.  A fraction of the cost of a heat exchanger (by electric, oil or gas heating).  Cover the pool whenever not in use (unless it's close to 30c, in which case leave the cover off as you are close to the algae zone).




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