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Automatic Chlorinators


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Hi to all the pool owners out there.


I would like to ask if any of you would be interested in and automatic pool chlorinator.

This is a natty little devise which will ‘taste’ the water every 3 minutes and add chlorine or what ever is require to keep the balance perfect.


That means no more testing or sore eyes. Just swimming and enjoying.. Also the added benefit that the pool can be kept in good condition through the times you away or not using it - minimum effort. All you have to do is change the drum of chlorine when its empty.


I would appreciate your views.


Also, we have a great offer on pool security fencing which complies with the regs. If you are interested in a quote then send me a PM with a plan of the pool and we’ll go from there.




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Hi Andrew

I've got one of these and they are very good.

Not really sure you should have made your posting though as I'm sure it goes against the forum code of conduct on advertising goods and service!  Making the font tiny does not get around it either!!!


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