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security pool cover - is it enough?


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[quote]We purchased a rather expensive security pool cover with our pool last summer.... some friends told us that this is not enough and that a fence is now required by law from January 2005 - is this right...[/quote]

I'm sorry but I don't know the answer to this.Our latest experience has been that the pool people just finished the pool,put on the winter cover and didn't fit the alarm.They say they will fit it when the winter cover comes off.I understand they are liable as well as us so hopefully they know ( ) their business?
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[quote]I'm sorry but I don't know the answer to this.Our latest experience has been that the pool people just finished the pool,put on the winter cover and didn't fit the alarm.They say they will fit it when...[/quote]

Ours did the same - fitted a winter cover and said that was enough until it came off and alarm/fence installed.
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I'm watching replies to this posting - with keen interest!

There's no water in our new pool yet but a security pool cover has been ordered (at a cost of 1 000.00 Euros) and will be fitted when the pool is 'commissioned' in the Spring, - and there will also be a fence. Following all our discussions, we've come to three basic conclusions (most of which have been discussed here at length by others):

The cover (when on) will prevent children aged up to around 5 years from submerging in the water - the suppliers warrant this. Small children will be able to walk/crawl across it. However, ours will not prevent the weight of an adult from sinking in the water though it will take longer, and make it far harder to climb out; - this is 'our' risk.

A proximity alarm is useless for us because we will not constantly be there to respond to it. Will any domestic premises be in continuous occupation - don't people have to go out sometimes?

A fence conforming to the required specification is, theoretically at least, a measure designed to remove/reduce the danger of a trespasser drowning accidentally at any time. It should reduce the likelyhood of being sued by relatives of a trespasser.

Real minefield, isn't it? Ugh!

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Actually the normal winter cover attached by elastics seems to be quite strong.

Our 27kg dog thinks it is great fun to drink the water from the middle ..... the water appears when he waits for the cover to sink a little. Only about 2 inches of water is produced immediately around his feet by his 27 kg.


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[quote]HiActually the normal winter cover attached by elastics seems to be quite strong.Our 27kg dog thinks it is great fun to drink the water from the middle ..... the water appears when he waits for the co...[/quote]

So does my chocolate lump (shown on the left here in a fetching Christmas party outfit!).  She must be all of 29 kilos and it hardly moves an inch.


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  • 4 weeks later...
The regulations are quite specific. If you have a pool in collective use, ie: for rent, then you must have a 'dispositif de securite' in place all the time winter or summer after 1 May 2004. If your pool was newly installed, even for your own use only, after 1 Feb 2004 the same applies. If your pool is for your own use and was in place prior to 31 Dec 2003 then you have until 1 Jan 2006 to install a security device after which time it must be permanently in place and effective.

If you fall into one of the categories above requiring a device, then your cover is quite sufficient in winter if it meets the relevant AFNOR standard. It will be marked as "Conforme a la NF P 90 308" If it isn't marked it almost certainly doesn't conform and you are potentially liable. Ask to see the "Attestation de conformite" which will be issued by LNE (Laboratoire National Des Essais) Once the cover comes off then you will need an approved device; fence, alarm, cover or Abri (shelter) again ensure that you see an "Attestation' before buying and ensure that the device is clearly marked as conforming.

Hope this helps

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[quote]We purchased a rather expensive security pool cover with our pool last summer.... some friends told us that this is not enough and that a fence is now required by law from January 2005 - is this right...[/quote]

Hi Cazs,

           If you have a security cover which conforms to AFNOR standards, you do not need to have any other form of security, but please bear in mind that you will only be legal if you cover the pool whenever you are not in attendance.


Nigel Butcher


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  • 1 month later...
Just to add to Nigels point. An AFNOR approved cover is sufficient at all times - however this means in effect that every time you get out of the pool and walk away - even for lunch - you must close and lock/secure the cover. If it is not in place you have no security device installed and you cannot leave the pool unattended.

I suspect that this will become a bore very quickly.

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