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murky above ground pool???


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We have owned an above ground pool for 4 years are aware of problems.  Pool  is 30 M2 ...

... ph and chlorine levels are correct, pump and filter are good, sand has been changed in the filter recently, winterising chemical was put in over the winter period. Presently trying Bayrol Superflock! (fingers crossed)

Problem is..... water slightly green, with millions of opaque particles between 1-4mm (never seen before). Impossible to remove by net as they break up! I have tried anti algea liquid, also desalgine and floculante.

Pump is running 8 hours a day to try and sort out problem.

Should I increase manufactures recommended doses? Any advice please!


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Are you sure the problem is not caused by the flocculant? the times I have used it, after letting the water stand overnight without the pump running the water goes crystal clear but with a sediment on the pool floor, then if you try to suck the sediment up the water becomes cloudy again with the particles as you describe floating around, it took me a long time to get rid of them, I even considered emptying the pool and starting again. the only way to do it is, when you are using the vacuum to clean the pool make sure the water is going out to waste and not back into the filter, you may have to keep topping up the pool water to make sure the level stays above the skimmer, eventually they will disappear.


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