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new regulations on filling pools


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can someone confirm the new regulations, that state you are now unable to fill your pool via mains, you must use only natural sources, ie rain water, wells, streams etc, this is to be enforced by the gendarmerie, who, if no natural source can be found, will impose a €3000 fine, this also includes topping pools up.
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Are you sure that this is not just the present rules about not using mains water for this purpose during this "dry" period. We were told by the pool company that although we have a well not to use it in the pool under any circumstances. Top up is going to be a problem and the level in liner type pools should not be allowed to get too low we are told............John not Jackie
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are you not allowed to use your well water when town piped supplies are banned?

if so you best invest in some watter  barrels and collect off roof.

i use a plug in my pool outlet overflow to prevent unnecessary waste due to overflow when people jump in or swimm very fast .-it is quite a saver then when it rains remove the plug,so level not going too high.


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if water for swimming in does nitrate level matter.it  is an expensive fill  -you are not swallowing it all the time.just worth checking with analyst and pool experts.

i filled mine from a natural souce and never tested it although it is probably same as my well which is drinkable at last analysis.

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Apart from the power to run the wellhead pump, the idea of using "free" water does appeal. As I stated, the last time we tried this, the pool water started clear, but went murky within a few days. Nitrate is not the concern, but I suspect that there is a significant amount of "life", bacterial or otherwise, in the well water which is causing it to cloud.

Any seasoned pool owners are welcome to offer advice, and I am not averse to a hint of ridicule.  

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'Haven't seen a Gendarme for months round here'

Me neither, but what I do see on a very regular basis is a very low flying helicopter hovering over certain properties, from which people, (don't know if they are gendarmes or not), are taking photos of pool water levels.

This is what the locals tell us anyway. Has anyone else heard of this?. It seems like an expensive way to enforce it.

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if murky usealgae(chlorine type) killer and if still murky use flocculant.

what type of pool is it.?salt or what?

did pool installer not give you info.? or did you buy property with pool installed.


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despite the fact we've had virtually no rain since November,  I've heard nothing about this.

However I have access to an irrigation canal (runs from the Rhone en route to Barcelona).

Surely this is exempt ?





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We are in the Charente Maritime and were told by our pool installer this week that for new pools (ours is) that for all contracts signed before 1st April the pools could be filled using the mains.  For pools signed after that date - sorry no water for 2005.
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[quote]Wow, this must surely have quite an impact on the pool companies themselves then?I understand that you must always fill a liner pool as soon as it's built otherwise the liner can be damaged?[/quote]

I am also in the charente maritime, and would really like to know, what the legal requirements are on both filling and topping up your pool.
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[quote]I am also in the charente maritime, and would really like to know, what the legal requirements are on both filling and topping up your pool.[/quote]

Water restriction notice was issued by the prefecture (17) during April. It is normally posted on your mairie notice board.As far as I remember it bans, amongst other things, filling and topping up pools and watering gardens, except for potagers. Will recheck when I next pass the Mairie.


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[quote]Water restriction notice was issued by the prefecture (17) during April. It is normally posted on your mairie notice board.As far as I remember it bans, amongst other things, filling and topping up po...[/quote]

Just checked on the Prefecture web site. It looks as though the rules are being reviewed and updated on a regular basis. The latest is arrete no. 05-1373 issued on 3 May and remaining valid until 11 May. Details are in the link below.


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Forget gendarmes and helicopters checking pool levels (although the helicopter crew may be looking at fenced/non fenced pools) - the water companies know exactly who is filling a pool and when.

As Chas says there should be a notice at the Mairie, check there - pool companies arn't going to tell you about water restrictions when you order your pool, are they?

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[quote]Just checked on the Prefecture web site. It looks as though the rules are being reviewed and updated on a regular basis. The latest is arrete no. 05-1373 issued on 3 May and remaining valid until 11 M...[/quote]

thank you chas
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[quote]can someone confirm the new regulations, that state you are now unable to fill your pool via mains, you must use only natural sources, ie rain water, wells, streams etc, this is to be enforced by the ...[/quote]

We have an above ground pool which we put up each summer (not ready to put in a fixed one yet), we are going over to France (16) in July, do the current regulations now ban us from putting up this pool as well (I would suspect so! but would like to know if anyone has a definate answer)


Paula (somerset but sometimes 16)

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We've used a mix of mains and well water for the last five years without problem. The first year we used just mains water, which prompted the local water board man to scour the immediate area looking for a leak somewhere until he found us! The whole episode became a popular local joke. The only thing he was concerned about was the cost to us.

Your cloudiness is almost certainly due to algae in the well water. We treat ours immediately after filling with Desalgine, available from Castorama. This comes in two forms - with and without flocculant. Note: if you have a diatomaceous earth filter then you should NEVER use a flocculant - DE filters are extremely fine and will block up almost immediately, they filter water to drinking standards. Desalgine also includes a clarifier which gives the water a beautiful sparkle - its quite pricey (around 35 euros) but well worth it.

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Following Chas's reply, I checked the prefecture website today and the restrictions have been extended now to 25th May, as below, forbidding:

? Le remplissage des piscines de particuliers (y compris les piscines gonflables et les piscines hors sol), sauf pour les chantiers en cours.

(i.e. private pools, including inflatable and above ground pools, except for pools currently under construction)

Funny - I rang my pool installer yesterday and they told me that they are carrying out "deshivernage" on a daily basis now, which must mean topping up pools, if not in some cases filling them from scratch. The lady said I was the first person to actually ask if it was OK and if there was any problem to go ahead. Disingenuous, or what? 


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Guess it depends on your pool, then - ours was emptied by about a third before being put into hivernage, so clearly it will need to be replaced. In any case, I'm not convinced the person I spoke to was in any doubt about my meaning regarding filling pools...............
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