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Green tinted pool water

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Filled the autostable with well water (almost potable - just fails on nitrate) and the water has a slight green tint. Not sure if it is algae or not.

Have shock treated with combined Algicide/Floc and no difference.

Have the tablet chlorine blocks in the floaty thing.

Any ideas - I would prefer a "you need to buy this and do this" type answer!!! 

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Green water can often be a sign of Algae being present. The following web page you may find useful to read even if your pool is not as bad as the example.



Why has my pool gone green when my test kit says the chlorine level is OK?

Your chlorine is 'locked in' by the chemicals used to stabilize it. Granular and tablet form chlorine is bonded to cyanuric acid to prevent it from being burnt off by the sun too quickly. But whilst the chlorine will be used up, the cyanuric acid will remain. Too much cyanuric acid in your pool over stabilizes your chlorine and it cant get free to attack bacteria and algae.

You will have to throw out some of the water with the cyanuric acid and replace it with fresh water. Regular and thorough back washing of your filter should prevent over stabilization but in a heavily used pool up to 5%, maybe more, of your water should be replaced each week to keep over stabilization at bay.


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