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Pool confusion

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We have a semi in ground pool (built into the slope).  We are all set for the liner to be delivered and fitted next week and intended to go and buy a pool alarm today, when....  I saw a posting somewhere which has confused me totally.

To set the scene we have a gite which we rent out so are we limited as to which kind of pool alarm we can have? or are we able to have any of the 4 methods, i.e. fence, alarm, cover etc?

I would be very grateful if someone could please confirm what sort of alarm we actually need.


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I think that it must have been a thread where I was discussing this issue for another person. You can sure that you are permitted under the terms of the Anfor standard that you may chose one of the 4 options: Alarm, fence, cover, canopy.

One is enough to comply.

However, where you may have run into some confusion is the idea I was raising in the previous thread that It is also clear in the standard that if you choose the alarm then a adult must be within 3 minutes of the pool at all times.

As you are running a Gite I am not so sure that this is practical, but it for you to decide. If you fee that its adequate then, then you and install a compliant appliance and your covered from the law. However if you feel that this is not enough then you might chose either another of the 4 option or a combination of the them; say cover and alarm or fence and alarm.

Personally, I believe to be compliant is a minimum amount of security to aspire to. If saving a life requires more then I would choose more protection.

To reiterate, one of the 4 is enough, and its up to you.


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If your pool is an above ground one you are not required to do anything; however if it is an in ground pool you must have either fencing or an appropriate cover or an alarm which comply with the AFNOR regulations.  They are quite complex but if you do an advanced search using AFNOR as the key word in the swimming pool section you will find a large number of postings which will give you a steer.  If an individual piece of equipment - be it fence panel or alarm system - does not state on it that it complies with the apprpriate AFNOR regulation (different sub-numbers for the different methods) then you can be sure that it doesn't comply.  In your individual case I am not certain how your pool would be regarded - but where safety is concerned "better safe than sorry".


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