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Water line stains-anything new?


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We have two very nice Swedish families staying and after their first day of pool use the water line has gone a very nasty dirty yellow colour.On asking them it appears that the suntan oil that they used had also stained a tee shirt and a bikini,must be factor 20 Dylon.

I was just wondering if anyone has any bright ideas on a remedy,the usual water line cleaner that I use does not have any effect and even though the pool is clean it does not look good.Is there a strip that you can stick to the top of the liner-mosaic effect or something or is the only thing a new liner?

Thanks to anyone who has any ideas


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I keep logging on hoping that someone has replied to this! just cant get our "line"clean. have even scrubbed it with vim or its french equivalent. As

the liner is now 11 years old i'm scared to rub any harder in case I do some damage.. i was just thinking along the same lines as you. I'm sure there must be some mosaic stuff on a roll to stick over. let's hope some expert out there will help us out!
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