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Extending a Swimming Pool

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Is it feasible to extend an existing pool, by which I mean cost effective over starting agin.

I suspect I know the answer to this by intuition!!

Pool in question is 7.5 x 3.5 m oval, it would be nice to go to 11-15 m purely for length swimming purposes, the surrounding area is flat.

Alternatively, can the endless swimming devices be fitted retrospectively?  How much do they cost?

Thanks for your help!




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anything is possible ?

But, it is worth remembering that costs rise with the m3 of the pool.

And it it isn't just the cost of chemicals : it is the increased capacity pump and filter that you will need and increased electricity costs to run them. And if you have electric or gas heating .......... phew !

I've got a few notes about pools here : http://www.the-languedoc-page.com/living/languedoc-living-pools.htm







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Hi pool girl (couldn't resist that one)

Interesting question, but I'm afraid it raises more questions than answers. for instance, in order to determine the cost effectiveness of a pool extension we need to know:

1. what the pool is made of (if its anything other then concrete the answer will be:No)

2. What is the capacity of the pump and filter: they will probably have to be replaced with larger capacity unit.

3. What is the age of the pipework and configuration

4. Is there a liner or is it tiled.

5. I'm sure that there was a question 5?

6. How much do you want to spend?

7. Have you got a lot of money?

8. Do you have some sentimental attachment to your existing pool that would preclude say: its total destruction and a new one built from scratch?

9. Do you think that a pool which is 6 times larger than the one you have will meet your needs?

With answers to these perhaps we can get closer to the proposition.

But if you want a cheaper alternative a power current machine could give you some benefit, but it depends also on the answers above.

Recently a poster proposed a bungy cord stretched across the pool which is attached to the waist which would give the same effect and of course it would be cheaper again. That's lateral thinking.

I am not much help on this occasion but perhaps a second go might be more helpful.




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I had a feeling that cost would be the major major hurdle!!  I'm also guilty in the fact that we're looking at houses, and don't actually own the pool in question.

I saw the bungee tied to a tree tip, love it!!

Thank you both for all the advice, esp the basic lowdown on "cost to run a small pool" and a very comprehensive "tip list" from pool guy.  I only picked pool girl as my sign on as I wanted to ask a Q re pools

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