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I have been asked to look after a pool for some folk. Its an AG pool 5 mtrs wide and 1.2 mtrs high. Aluminum sides and has a sand based filtration system made by a firm called Albatica. The pump is Albaflo (also made by Albatica).

There are six positions on the filter - Wash - Filtration - Rinse - Backwash - Circulation - Closed. The water is fine but I cannot get any suction for the hose and brush cleaning tool. I have tried to vacuum using both the Filtration and Circulation settings. I have noticed that the pressure gauge shows slightly less than 1 bar pressure yet the sticker on the side says that it should be running on 2 bars. When the system is on normal filtration and not vacuuming it sends the water out through the skimmer with a decent amount of oomph but still, as I say, slightly less than 1 bar.

I have tried backwashing and rinsing to see if this has any effect but none.

So how can I increase the pressure and gain some suction to allow me to clean the pool floor.

Cheers folks


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"it sends the water out through the skimmer with a decent amount of oomph "

I would have thought that in normal filtration mode or in any other mode that the water should not be coming out of the Skimmer, normally there would be another return outlet into the pool if you do have a return,  then i guess the pipes are fitted the wrong way around

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1-bar should be about right if the filter is clean, and yes, water should be sucked into the skimmer not being pumped out of it in "filter" mode.

You need to leave the valve in the "filter" position for vacuuming unless the pool is very dirty in which case run it to "waste".

You should find there are some stop-cock taps on the various pipes going too and from the pool, usually next to the pump/filter. There should be a seperate incoming (from pool to pump) pipe for each skimmer, the base outlet, and there should also be one labelled "prise balai". This is the one that you need for vacuuming and it should usually be "off" unless in use. Turn this on and then turn the stop-cocks for the skimmers off so that you get maximum pressure from the prise balai. Hey presto you should find it all works ok. Don't forget to turn the skimmers back on and the prise-balai off when you have finished.

Oh yes, nearly forgot, when you first turn on the prise-balai with the vacuum hose connected the system will probably lose pressure to start with as it draws through the air that is in the hose. Make sure the vacuum head is under the water so that it draws water as quickly as possible. The system should regain pressure within a minute or so and you can start cleaning !
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Eslier has got the same answer as me.

Just a tip ............

When putting the flexible pipe and vacuum head into the pool, insert head first, then the flexible pipe ensuring it goes underwater, before attaching it to the pipework. This minimises the air in the system.



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It really is important to minimise the air in the system before attaching the flexible pipe to the inlet pipe. I have seen and used three different methods successfully. After placing the vacuum head into the pool with the flexible hose attached, your attention should be drawn to the other end of the pipe.

(1) The priming system, this is to put the pipe under the water and allow to fill, then raise it above water level and repeat as many times until no further water can enter then attach to inlet.
(2) The easiest method, as above but use a hose pipe to fill flexible pipe with water.
(3) Again as above but fill the flexible pipe from the outlet pipe in the pool.

Remember, that pumps are designed to run with water and not air.



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Thanks to you all for the replies.

I think that the air problem may well be the main culprit. I'll change my connection method and see how this progresses.

Derf - pipes are the right way round - I can confirm that.

Elsier - pool is getting dirtier as I haven't been able to vacuum it. Aside from that - there is only one skimmer. The vacuuming system is a flat plate which fits into the skimmer and is attached to the pipe that I use with the vacuum system. There is no valve/stop cock called "prise balai" of that I'm certain.

Mpprh - good tip and thanks for that.

Baz - again good tips and will conduct all of them to search for progress.

Many thanks again to you all.


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Where are you?

If your on my route I can call in an give you a hand to get it working. I'm on the road a lot and cover a very wide area.

Your problem is something very simple but you just have to be methodical and trace everything back to its source. Pools are not mysterious, but they can be frustrating at times.

Let know here or PM and I'll help you if I can.



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I have the same problem. We have just bought a Barracuda Classic for our Desjoyaux pool. We were sold a Cornea to go on the skimmer basket but the suction just doesnt seem to be enough to get the cleaner working.

We thought we had rid the pipe of air but I am beginning to wonder whether we are just not doing it right.

Like LePaul we have Wash - Filtration - Rinse - Backwash - Circulation - Closed which is set to Filtration and functions well. The pressure guage is reading 0.6 bar... is this too low ?

Would really appreciate any help as this is driving us nuts and making us wonder whether we have just wasted £350 !!

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I do not know the type of pool you have. But many pools as well as having inlet via the Skimmer also have a second inlet usually found on one of the pool walls near the bottom. If this is the case with your pool there should be a shut off valve near the pump for this inlet. By shutting off this inlet the suction power from the skimmer will then be increased and your Barracuda Classic  will work.

In any event the pump should be strong enough to run your Barracuda Classic, if this is not the case it might well be worth getting a pool company to have a look at your set up, because their could be a circulation problem. You should be able to determine if there is air present by looking at the plastic cover on you pump to see if bubbles are present or alternative on your filter if it has a clear cover. If air is present it could be that the gasket in your pump needs replacing which is not an expensive job or joints need tightening.


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