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Mineral sanitizers

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Forgive my one sidedness but I cannot yet understand what is wrong with chlorinated pools that one needs to explore alternative and unproven systems of water sanitation.

With a basic understanding of the chemistry of it and a few hours per week or if you like a pool controller and next to no work, your pool water will be perfectly heathy and clear and harmless to people even with sensitive skin.

Saline pools too, have their place but personally I prefer chlorine.

Mineral, ultraviolet, reed bed, ozone... these are all attempts at improving a system (which works very well), and I think that most of them fail. The Dept of Public Health will not allow any of them for example to be employed for commercial or public use in most countries of the world. So why would there be any benefit to the domestic pool owner to be persuaded into spending sometimes many thousands o euro on a system which doesn't do a better job (and in some case many times worse). To me it doesn't make sense.

I'm the Poolguy


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Hi Poolguy

You still need chlorine, just less of it. I'm giving it a try as since we have had the pool, I get bad skin rashes if I swim too often, which I can only put down to the chlorine level in the pool. So far so good, the pool has never looked better. Despite the fact I have always put a lot of time and effort into the pool, there have sometimes (more often than I like) been algae problems and I have had to resort to an strong algaecide as a last resort. I am willing to try anything in order to reduce the chemical input in the pool.

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I do not think that the Chlorine in correct dosage could give you this rash.

You have said that you have had algae from time to time which is evidence to me that the chlorine level are being allowed to drop for a period occasionally. The Result is having to 'choc' the pool with massive doses of chlorine, algeacide... other stuff. this I suspect to be more the culprit. Or...

Alternatively and this is just a guess without testing, you have a excess of cyanuric acid (stabiliser) which is making the chlorine you do put in almost ineffective. Therefore you would have an excess of undissolved solids which could cause irritation.

If you let me know where you are I could come and test and give you a more definitive opinion if you like. I'm travelling a lot and so would arrange a visit on the back of something else.

Its a service I would extend to anyone who has these sort of problems in fact.

If its helpful then it will make your life in France more agreeable.


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  • 4 weeks later...

I just wanted to give an update, have been using the PoolRX mineral sanitizer for 6 weeks now, not a sign of algae, the pool is crystal clear, and I am very happy with the product. For anyone (like me) who maintained their pool to the book and found it still got algae too regularly, I can recommend it.

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