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Swimming pool regulations


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Does anyone know what the latest is in terms of filling pools from a well. can you do it or not? Also can you put water from the pool onto the garden or does the chlorine kill the plants? Probably obvious but I don't know.
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HI Tony

The answer to your first question depends on what Department you are in. In Charante Maritime for example the condition is still 'red'. Which means that it is forbidden to top up a pool from any source. Filling a pool from a well would be difficult to Police but from a water quality point of view I would not advise it.

The later question depends on the level of chlorine in your water. If the active chlorine is above 1ppm then you have a kill time for e-coli of 2 seconds. This I suspect would also apply to most other living organisms albeit a bit slower the larger the organism. BUt I cannot imagine why you would want to empty your pool on to your garden

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