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Immersion Alarm - Review

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Hi all,

I "unfortunately" have a pool in the south of france for which I need to get an immersion alarm.

The only viable - NF accepted seem to be the Kallista or the AquaSensor (I was looking at the SENSOR Solar version). Ive heard some dubious reports on Aquasensor but thought maybe these were for an earlier version).

Any help appreciated.

Note my problem is that I cant realistically fit a rigid pole cover as the pool is an irregular shape (with irregular deck)

Cant put a fence around or there would be no space left in the garden (In anycase the property is entirely enclosed 1.5m high min).

Cant use infra red as mounting area would be irregular heights since pool is built into rock.

I have a reinforced winter cover (LoopLoc) from the States which is great and "could double as a trampoline" but I had this made to measure - and is only any good in the winter obviously, and probably fails some NF constraint even then.

So I think Im stuck with the immersion alarm (which isnt going to be much use if Im out of the country (which is most of the time), but it meets the laws.

Any suggestions on type - or to another thread on this subject appreciated.


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Hi wet through

I can solve your problem ....

without and alarm which as you say will be useless when no one is there. It would also drive the neighbours mad and they would probably try to disable it to get some peace which means that you will not be compliant.

PM me with your details and I'll give you another great idea to get over the problem.


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I agree that immersion alarms are a waste of space if no one is in residence, call me cynical, but they are the cheapest way of satisfying the law. There is no substitute for proper parental supervision.

We purchased one of the new Aqua Sensor Premium alarms in May this year, with some reservations as the previous model had a very bad name.

To date we have had no problems, apart from keeping the water level right, which is a major problem here in the Charente Maritime as we have a ban on topping up pools. A real dilemma as if we fill up the pool we face a fine, but if the alarm is not working we face a 45k euro fine!!!

I would have preferred the solar powered option, but so far I am very happy with the Aqua Sensor Premium.

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[quote]Hi wet through I can solve your problem .... without and alarm which as you say will be useless when no one is there. It would also drive the neighbours mad and they would probably try to disable it...[/quote]


I would also like to hear about your solution.

I am in a similar situation to wet through - Our pool is on a separate piece of land totally enclosed by a combination of stone walls and chain link fencing. I am perfectly happy that this is sufficient to deter unsupervised access by a child of 5 years or less.

I want to satisfy the regulations in the simplest way possible whilst at the same time adding a second level of security. An additional perimeter fence and/or infrared barrier are neither practical nor appropriate and I am not interested in a security cover or abri. As I understand it the only alternative  is an immersion alarm. Do you know of an alternative ?.

I posted a question about Kallista alarms some weeks ago but got no response.

You can PM me if you prefer but I think others might be interested in your solution

b rgds



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The 'different solution' I can propose should more correctly be called a 'variation'.

I am afraid that there is only 4 options (alarm,fence,cover,abri) and there is no 5th.

So what I have to propose is a variation on the security cover. This is especially interesting for odd shaped pools where a conventional security cover cannot be used.

Basically its a plastic extrusion which, when assembled will make a solid cover for any shape pool. It can be submerged and sink to make a false bottom when you want to use the pool. When you are finish the cover is raised to the surface by compressed air. Its very clever and a practical way to secure your pool, less effort I would have thought than hauling a heavy cover on and off.

The restrictions on the use of this technology is that the sides of your pool must be vertical and the bottom flat or a simple geometric shape but definitely not curvalinier.

PM if you want more details.



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