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Pool Maintainence Courses ?


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For some time now I have thought that it would be a good idea if somebody ran a one or two day pool maintainence training course.

Most of us seem to become pool owners with little or no proffesional training, although this forum does provide some invaluable help and advice for the likes of me.

Looking after a swimming pool is a big responsibility, yes we pick up tips and advice here and there, but would it not be great to get some proper hands on training.

I certainly would be interested in subscibing to such a course if it existed.


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When first reading your post I thought why are these courses not already available. However on reflection the cost of even providing a half day course may put a lot of people off attending.

I have had a pool for 4 years and did not know anything at first, but maintaining it is certainly not rocket science. With the information on the net or published in maintainence booklets will solve most problems. If you have a professional pool company they should have water analysing equipment and from the results would be able to point one in the right direction.

I have found little or no problems maintaining my pool or water in pristine condition, but my most important thing is having an excellent and very knowledgeable pool man that I can always contact for advice when needed. It is amazing the do's and dont's and clever ideas that I have learnt over the years that now makes the job so much easier.

There nothing better to speed the learning curve than doing it yourself and anyone who is thinking or just started using a pool should not worry provided you follow the correct water maintainence regime and stick to the rules. There are also if one is worried a number of automatic devices to make life easier.


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Nice Idea.

Maybe I can hobble something together... I'm thinking internet based with information, referenced, articles and jobs to do (homework).

Maybe, I can find a sponsor so that the costs could be kept low.

Certainly seems to be a lot of people out there with pools who need help.

If there are people who might want to participate in group and one2one internet based learning on Pools then PM me and lets see if it has legs.

Tell me where you are, how big your pool is, how old, what is the filtration and sanitisation systems (for a start).


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