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The 2005 version of Aquasensor alarm


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Hi - I feel that there are often loads of moans and groans on this site - especially so last year when the pol reg's came in and everyone was confused about how to implement them, and there were lots of things that did not work well.  I was one of the people that moaned vigorously about how the Aquasensor we bought for our toddler pool did not work properly and went off apparently randomly and definitley with the first sign of wind (we were always happy with the infra red alarm for our big pool, which has always worked well).

So - I though I should write something positive for a change as I do have 'good' to report.

We have waited 11 months of our pool security installer to get us (free of charge!) the 2005 model of Aquasensor to replace the 2004 model which we moaned so much about.  Neither my husband nor myself were remotely optimistic about the replacement............However, we have now had the 2005 model in place for about a week and all seems well!!!!!!!  It does not go off randomly, nor in strong winds, and the mechanism seems highly sensitive and does not reset itself too easily when swimmers are in the water.  Great!!!!  Long may it continue!  Thought I would report positively in case anyone has been put off by the previous bad reports about Aquasensor.

I do have a question for Hendo if he reads this - I told the pool security specialist that we would be taking the Aquasensor out for the winter - he said not to bother as it could be turned off and was fine in the water/ice and that a pool cover could be laid over it. This seems to conflict entirely with what Hendo said in another post - so can he elaborate please.  I am erring on thinking we should take it out despite what the pool security man said. If left in place we would not have it turned on  - though we would have other precautions in place for safety protection.


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I urge you to read the regulations and not to listen to advise from people who are not fully informed. You must be informed yourself and not rely on others to direct you.

The regulations state unambiguously that:

The Pool owner MUST have ANFOR approved security in existence and operational in the pool 24 hours of every day, 7 days of the week and 12 months of the year.

So, if you take it out, turn it off or put your winter cover over it, then you are not compliant and have waisted your money as you will still be fined when your inspected.

No matter what this 'professional' said, read the regulations and decide yourself, because what you have been told is completely false in my view.


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We to installed the 2005 Aqua Sensor Alarm with some trepidation in May this year.

We have had no problems apart from keeping the water levelright, and it does seem to take quite some time to activate when we test it.

But overall we are pleased with it.


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Very interested to read about the new Aquasensor 2005 Alarm.

My 2004 version failed within 2 weeks of first installing it last June.  It took 2 months to obtain a repair.  This year it has worked OK until last week when it went off for no reason, fortunately we were ar home and could reset it. This happend twice more but now does not work at all. I have spent most of this afternoon going through the procedure without success. Tuesday is the first day that the supplier is open when I will try to obtain the new 2005 version, but I think it will be difficult.  Ha s anyone had any luck contacting the Manufacturers?

My queries are:-  what happens now? If it is removed for repair I do not have an alarm in place so I am now liable for prosecution. If it is away for some time do I have to empty the pool.

Also with regards to winterising the instructions with the Aquasensor clearly state remove the battery but leave the alarm in place.  Do I need a special winter cover?

any Help would be appreciated.

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Ray and JJ

I can only state again that:

You must have a compliant security device in place in your pool 24 hours of every day, 365 days of the every year to be compliant with the law and exempt from being fined and prosecuted.

If the manufacturers of your alarm recommend that you immobilise the alarm for winter then you must install another compliant device in its place: say a Compliant winter cover.

This is not discressionary this is an obligation.

If you take your alarm out of the water for any reason you must replace it with some other device.

The law is clear, it appears that some suppliers of security are not.


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Thanks for your reply.

I would be interested to know if other Aquasensor owners have the same instructions with their device, including the Aquasensor 2005 version

You mentioned a "compliant winter cover", is this a special cover or does the usual winter cover which is fastened all round with pegs comply.

What are the downside of keeping the pool uncovered all year and what precautions are required against severe frost.

I am begining to think pool owning is more trouble than it is worth.


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Ray - While our Aquasensor was away for 11 months being repaired (it was in the end replaced rather than repaired by Aquasensor), our pool security guy said that we would not be prosecuted for not having a security device in place.  He said that we had complied with the law by buying an appropriate device and that it was not our fault the device did not work properly and had been removed for repair.  The pool security guy is French and has a reputation in our area of the Dordogne as being an 'expert' in the pool security field.  He certainly has a big business and is expanding.  He appears knowledgeable and professional in his approach to us.

Now I KNOW that Hendo will disagree with the above, and of course I know that the law says a security device must be in place at all times.  However, like many things in France, there seem to be different interpretations of the law. If it had happened that a child died in our pool while the Aquasensor was missing, I suspect that we would not have been prosecuted but that the pool security guy would have had some responsibility as he took the old Aquasensor away and promised to return it when repaired by Aquasensor (after all as a major supplier of alarms he was in a position to have given us a temporary replacement if he thought it vital).  I also think Aquasensor would have had some liability for not replacing the faulty device for 11 months.  I simply do not believe that the law could be so draconian as to expect pool owners to immediately buy a new device to cover pool security while an alarm is away being repaired.

Until someone is prosecuted and legal precedent is set then we will not know exactly how the law will be interpreted and the detail of owners liability. 

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You are right in several respects at least.


In the first place you are right in that it will take the first few prosecutions to get a reading on the way the justices of the land will interpret those who fail to comply.


You are also right in that I will disagree with concerning the rest.


I cannot find anywhere in the wording of the law that:


“The company which supplies the compliant security device to the pool owner must ensure that it is in place and working at all times”.


What is in the law is that:


“the POOL OWNER must ensure that the compliant security is in place and working at all times.”


I am certain that your ‘expert’ in pool security tries to keep well informed but in the end he does not work for the government, and so his opinion is of no more worth than mine in this matter. We are just pundits who are speculating on the outcome of the introduction of another law in France. It up to the governments and Judiciary to decide how they will enforce it.


However, if when you are inspected you plead that its someone else’s fault that you are not complaint I am sure that will not be received well. How many times for instance have the Gendarmes shown clemency when you are pulled over for speeding and plead that your speedo is broken so you can’t tell how fast your going and the car company is taking an age to fix it. I’m sure that he’ll let you off…(yeah right …not).


The only thing more I can add to this thread as nearly every aspect has been discussed is that if you choose to buy the cheapest complaint system available then inevitably there will be costs down the track which were not anticipated. I certainly would always advise the installation of a fence as a compliant device of choice, as they don’t break down, don’t need batteries, they don’t make any noise in the middle of the night, you don’t need to remove them in winter, they are always there and working. Therefore you are always complaint.





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JHC & Andrew


I feel that I must agree with Andrew and the law will possibly make an example of someone eventually to make everyone aware that the law is the law.

On careful reflection I feel that the only safe method is a compliant fence,  the alarm is OK for some of the time but they will fail as all electronic devices do and unless you have a back up system such as spare alarm one would be liable.  My supplier also spoke in terms of " well it is unlikely that you could be prosecuted if the alarm is away being repaired etc." but in my opinion he is talking through his hat and as he would not be paying the fine he does not have to worry. The circuit board is so small and could only cost a few euros to make it would not be expensive for a supplier to have couple in stock to facilitate a speedy repair, they after all are making a tidy profit from an easy sale.

I now wait for several weeks while my alarm is being repaired hoping I do not receive a visit.  I will also be investigating a consumer bureau that I have heard about to see if they have any interest in pursuing the matter.




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A post in answer to ray's question of 5 Sep.

I am sorry to tell you that a 'compliant' winter cover is exactly that. It must have been tested by an AFNOR approved facility and be clearly marked as conforming to NF P 90-308. Your old cover is no longer sufficient and should not be used unless in conjunction with a fence which does conform and that you are using as your principal security device.

Lots of people reduce the water level in their pool for winter. If you do then an alarm will not work as it needs to be immersed. Equally if the water is too deep (as happens when it rains and you are away) then some of the alarms may be deemed as non conforming as they require the end of the sensor tube to be at a specific depth. It is your responsibility to ensure that the specifications are adhered to and that the water is kept to the correct depth for the alarm.

If you put your non compliant cover over the alarm, leaving it turned on and the water level normal, then you are not covered legally as the alarm is unlikely to work. They have only been tested and are only approved for use with an open pool. As the majority of the alarms need a shockwave of a body falling into the water to set them off, the cover will stop this happening. A child would roll into the centre of the pool where the cover has it's drain holes and drown there as the water forms a pool in the centre under the childs body weight. Again the pool may overfill catching you out.

I am afraid that to be compliant year round you must buy a compliant winter cover or a compliant fence if your security device of choice is an alarm for the summer months. Not a fact the alarm companies have publicised for obvious reasons as the cost of both added together will be more than the cost of a fence that covers you all the time..

You pays your money..

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