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Why is my pool going green?


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Good morning all, I've got a salt/ph minus pool with automatic chlorination. The PH is at 7.63 at the moment and the indicator underneath says 'low level ph'(which I find strange as the pool man said 7.2 is ideal?). The automatic chlorinator needle points to 'maxi', i.e. is roughly in the middle of the green field. Still, the pool is going green and I can't find a reason why. I've washed the filter back twice in the last 10 days and rinsed it. Could it be in need of more salt? HELP!

Another thing: I've got the Polaris robot cleaning jobby, and it seems to me as if it has lost some of its power. Is there something simple I can do to check or rectify this problem?

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Had the same problem as you last year, but this year have kept the pH level slightly below recommended (7.1) and has stayed crystal clear all season. In fact, if the water was warmer we would be in it today! I think your 7.6 is way too high.

Good luck.

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Yes I agree

First bring your pH down using dilute acid - Hydrochloric is fine. If your automatic system is adjustable then set the target down to 7.2 and make sure that you have enough acid in your container to dose the pool thoroughly.

Then Test for salt, you should have between 5-6 on the test strip, which equates to between 4000-5000 ppm which is the minimum you'll need to produce enough chlorine. This should solve your problem with the algae, in the meantime though while it catches up, can you test for Chlorine using DPD1 tabs and a test kit, it should be greater than 3 ppm. If its not then use a good quantity of Chlor Choc to get rid of the algae quickly while your Salinator makes enough chlorine to take over.

Now the suction. First how old is your sand? If it hasn't been changed for 3 years or more then I recommend that you change it, use Zelbrite volcanic sand as its better filtration by far. Super chlorinate your filter right off to sanitise it. Then, if you still have no suction begin to look for holes in the pipe. Check connections and work backwards to the filter.

If you still have no luck PM me and I can come visit and find the problem for you.


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Right - we tested for salt and it was about 5 on the test strip. We added 100kg more salt - any idea how much raw salt converts to an increase in ppm in the pool. I know it will depend on volume of water, but is there a quick formula?

We also added a lot more liquid PH- to the automatic PH system and it is now on a lower reading.

The water already looks clearer - I'll let you know if it stays that way!
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What is the brand and model of your Salinator.

We need to determine how much chlorine it can produce in one hour which should be specified in the notes, in the model nunber or somewhere in the compliance plate.

After that, what is the chlorine load.

After that, is your Salinator calcified or clean.

Then we move to the next level of the water but it will do for now.


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The machine is a Compu-Chlor, cellule auto-nettoyante, but I can't find how much chlorine it produces per hour. Currently, the salt indicator on the test strip is just below 6, the pH is at 7.02 (I adjusted the machine to 7.20 yesterday), the needle on the Compu-Chlor is in green going towards red and the pool is still going green. I've got some stuff to get rid of the green, called Aquaflash. Should I put that in? Sorry to pump you for all this information, but I don't know who else to ask.

Thanks a lot,
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There's no problem for asking, Its my job to answer.

The Salinator you have is definitely one of the cheaper brands but that doesn't mean that it should not work.

Can you look at the models on the link attached (about halfway down the page) and tell me the model you have.


You didn't tell me if the cell is clean or calcified - vis how long has it been since you cleaned it?

I would advise you not to put any algaecide like the 'Greenflash' in the pool. I suspect that this product would contain either Peroxide or copper concentrate neither of which you want in your pool. We can solve the problem without resorting to that extreme by restoring your chlorination system. If it has worked before then it should be able to work again.

If all this fails then I and passing your department on Monday on the way to Barcelona, so I could call in briefly and solve the problem.

Alternatively, if you PM me your email address and send me pics of your technique and the pool I could do a lot more diagnostics.



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the model that I've got is not on that website, but that doesn't really matter. The titanium rods in the cell were changed last year and the cell looks clear. I will carry on with what I'm doing now, and if it still doesn't change or gets worse by the weekend, I will call the guy who installed the pool, as it is really his responsibility to sort this out.

Thank you so much for your help and advice.
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  • 1 month later...

Did you get you pool sorted out.

I will bee in the area 11/64/65/66 this week if you need a visit.

These apparatus need to be keep in good nic to be doing the job they were designed for. If they are tired or not up to the job then the results can be bad for your health in the pool.

Also if you want some help with winterising then let me know.


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