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Which gates comply?


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Our garden in the Charente is completely walled and our swimming pool is in another walled garden within (hope this makes sense!) We are currently having the rather tumble-down wall surrounding the pool built back up to the regulation 1.2m and properly re-pointed etc etc but I want to put a gate on the entrance to the pool garden and want advice as to what we have to get to be within the law. Ideally, we would like to use an old wrought iron gate that's about 2m high with 'ornamental spikes' on the top (I've found one at a reclaimation yard) which would look fab and be in keeping with the house and I understand that we've got to fit a certain type of lock, no problem. But I have been told (by the local ex-pat mine of info....) that we can't use a gate of this type. Can anyone advise me or tell me exactly where I can check out the rules and regulations for myself? Many thanks.
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We have a similar walled pool area but, as I understand it, you must put a self-locking gate in place ie. one that returns automatically to its locked/closed position that cannot then be opened by a small child! However, I also think that this alone would not satisfy the AFNOR regs. if your wall is within a certain distance of the pool boundary. All very complicated and so I think (hope) that the solution is to fit a rigid pool cover (produced by a company called www.albiges.com for just under 2000 Euros...I have no connection whatsoever and would welcome anybody's experience if they have the same).

This would then allow you to have whatever gate you like and you would not even have to worry about the locking system.

Keep researching this forum as there are some excellent and knowledgeable people who can help through this very complicated piece of legislation.

Keyboard Col

PS. I think the wall needs only be 1.1 and not 1.2 high. Again, do check on this forum.

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If you have a wall which is greater than 1.1 meters high surrounding your pool then that will comply, however it must be smooth rendered (on the outside at least) not just pointed. PLease note however that the wall must be no closer than 1 meter to the pool. In addition, there must be no physical thing within 1.1 meters of the top of the wall, this includes trees, bushes and vines. ie the wall must be smooth, clean and clear.

For the gate, any old gate is not enough. It must carry the ANFOR standard with a self closing mechanism and a child proof opening device. These cannot be retro fitted to another gate but rather incorporated into one compliant gate. Cost is generally around 450 euro.

If you don't want this option but would rather put up your own gate then you could consider either a complaint cover, perimeter alarm, immersion alarm or abri. These devices will look after compliance and your surrounding wall and locked gate should keep accidents away.

If you want to send me pics of the wall I am happy to give you an opinion about their suitability for compliance.


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  • 4 weeks later...

[quote]Mary If you have a wall which is greater than 1.1 meters high surrounding your pool then that will comply, however it must be smooth rendered (on the outside at least) not just pointed. PLease note h...[/quote]

Sorry to drag this up again, but I wanted to clarify an earlier piece of advice.  It was mentioned by Andrew that the external face of the wall around the pool 'must be smooth rendered and not just pointed'. 

My question is this; if the wall is 2 meters in height, does the wall only need smooth rendering up to the height of 1.2 meters - or must it be rendered all the way to the top?

Many thanks in advance.

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Simple enough question.

The regulation will only concern itself with the 1.1 meter distance from the ground and the 1.1 meter distance from that point in an arch to the horizontal. So long as there is no physical thing in that arch, you may do as you wish in the remainder and still be compliant.

I hope that this is of help.

Just to repeat for clarity, if your wall is to be the compliant device then you must also fit a gate which carries the Standard. A reclaimed gate will not comply no matter how the wall is rendered or the child proof lock fitted.

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At our house in the Charente Maritime we have exactly the same - pool enclosed by 3 walls and one side of house with small entrance which requires a security gate.  We purchased a self closing gate from www.piscine-barriere and it cost approx EURO500 delivered.  If you visit this www just click on "self closing gate".  I understand that the gate will have to be fitted by 1st Jan 2006 in order to comply with the regs.  Reagrding the wall I can verify that the outside finish (in our case it was the roadside) must be smooth render (crepi) so it is not possible for a child to climb.


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