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Perimeter Alarms


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Advise please

Has any one had any experience of perimeter alarms? I am somewhat confused. There appears to be two are two types on the market one using infra-red technology and the other much cheaper type using laser beams. Are there practical differences/advantages between the two? Am I conforming if I install such an alarm myself? Are there any constraints concerning minimum distance front the pool edge?  Finally can I still use my non approved winter cover with such an alarm?   

Apologies if these questions have been asked before but a quick search revealed no answers.



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Yes we have a perimeter alarm available but in this particular case it must be installed by an authorised installer. I do not know if that is the case with all of these type of devises.

Really, I have to say that we are even less enthusiastic about this technology even an emmersion alarm would be preferable I think, but we prefer to recommend the other types of devises.

It just that perimeter alarms are very expensive and provide no practical security, but rather only the information that a toddler is about to drown. Leaving the owner to respond if they can, not so much use if noone is home.

We much prefer to recommend a physical security barrier like a fence, cover or abri as they are more effective and in some cases do more than the one job and can cost not much more.

I understand if you are set against fences or abris but a cover must surely be our best recommendation as thay will keep you pool cleaner, warmer and provide a physical security. They can be very convenient electrically operated and even solar powered, or operated with a reasonable battery drill.

If you need more information on these or you want to persist with a perimiter alarm then by all means post again or send me a PM and I'll do my best to get details to you.

In the end, it is your choice and certainly you should get the approaved device you are happy with, hence it is my role to give you the information on each system so that you might have the opportunity to make an informed choice.

I hope that I have been of some help.

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Hi Andrew


Interesting comments. Here’s the  rational for my choice


 There are several reasons why a perimeter alarm seems an attractive and personally proportional solution to the new regulations. Given that we live deep in the country side and have no friends with small children that might visit or any neighbours within 5Km, it would seem reasonable that my circumstances constitute a low risk.


With the cost of fencing for any thing reasonable starting at 100 euro per linear meter for my 10m x 5m pool that makes a minimum outlay of 3600 euro.  The cost is not the only down side aesthetically a fence would totally spoil the appearance of my pool.


I have already purchased a plunge alarm only to discover that I can neither use it with my newish but non approved winter cover or my summer cover.  The cost of a new approved winter cover is 1000 euro but that still doesn’t  address my summer cover usage, which come harvest time is essential.


I accept your point with respect to a perimeter alarm’s usefulness if there is no one at home but this would equally apply to an immersion alarm which to my understanding is the alarm that the majority of people have bought.


I confess I have not looked at pool covers as I feel the cost would be prohibitively expensive and disproportionate to my perceived risk


 Using a perimeter alarm would I believe allows me to continue using my existing covers, aesthetically the impact would be much reduced and the cost I feel is acceptable. I’d be interested to hear your comments Andrew concerning laser or infra red technology


I hope I haven’t given the impression that safety is not paramount but everybody circumstances will be different and the balance between safety and risk will vary accordingly. People therefore will buy across the whole range of products to suit their individual needs and hence my choice.


Thanks once again Andrew




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Don't install a perimeter pool alarm, whatever you do!!

You may not have neighbours, but you will not want to be disturbed throughout the night by false alarms.

I have a house in a small private domain in the Var, with a communal pool. As the developers originally put in a pool fence that turned out non compliant, rather than replace the fence, they went for the cheaper alternative of having professionally installed a state of the art perimeter pool alarm. Which cost several thousand Euros. (The installation company was ADT and the alarm was fitted this Summer, so it is the latest compliant system.)

Suffice to say it has been an absolute disaster, with false alarms being so frequent all the neighbours are up in arms about being woken regularly in the small hours. It seems everything from water sprinklers to cats that jump the pool fence triggers the alarm.

We have ended up threatening legal action against the developers unless they replace the alarm with compliant fencing.

All in all from a liability perspective, a passive system is far preferable as it does not rely on 24/7 monitoring. It also allows a proper nights sleep!!

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I think Sprogster has adequately ellucidated my concerns with perimeter alarms.


I can only recommend at this point that you reconnsider a manually operated retractable cover.

You have already invested in technology which you foud did not suit your needs. If that is to be repeated I fear that your mood will not improve any and your pool might be no better of for the investment.

As I said before, A good retractable cover will offer you fine protection against airborne dust and debris during 'harvest time'. It will also keep the pool warmer for longer and greatly reduce evaporation during the height of summer saving you money in refilling (presuming that this is possible next summer) and it will be compliant.

I know that it seems to be a big step but I recommend you give this solution some serious thought. If you want me to help send me your details.

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