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no water in pool?


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It has been announced today that Charente-Maritime area has had between 30 - 50% less rainfall this winter than average over last 50 years, so once again in summer of 2006 there will be water restrictions.  Does anyone know how this affects a new pool installation?
Most pool companies claim that it is OK to fill a swimming pool when it has just been constructed?  But is this really the case?

Do you need to contact the local Mairie to check with them?  Or any other authorities?  Or is it OK just to go ahead and fill the pool?

Perhaps it is best to fill the pool for the first time end winter / beg. spring before summer water restrictions apply?

Would be grateful for any advice.  Thank you.

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This post is a timely reminder.

Filling a pool is one thing, but we must not forget the topping up that is always required over the summer due to evaporation.

This will lead us back onto the debate of which pools can be legally filled/topped up.

This subject is not going to go away, especially for all of us in the Charente Maritime.

There will be lots of debate over the interpretation of the regulations, for example is a gite pool a private pool or a commercial one? do you know?

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I think you will find that a gite business registered at the Chambre de Commerce is considered a commercial business and as such operation of the pool is part of that business. In this circumstance you should be able to legitimately top up your pool.

If you have a gite which you let out as a sideline or just on a casual basis, and therefore are not registered with the CdeC,  then it will be considered a private pool and you will be goverened by any restrictions in place.

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In Charante Maratime and many other departments the 'Red' restriction

is still in force which prohibits the use of hose pipe water for any

use such as cleaning cars, filling pools etc. Commercial enterprises

may argue for exemption but are required to register with the

Prefecture throught their Marie. Fines are heavy and enforcement will

be vigourous I am told.

As far as new builds are concerned we are being advise that the first

fill is possible with a licience obtained from the Marie who inquire

with the Regional Water Board. but after that its forbidden.

I have been advising pool owners to install water butts and collect of

roofs whilst there is still some rain, but its getting a bit late now

and there will be same problem as last year soon.

Hope that this is of some help (but no comfort I suspect) to pool owners.


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That is indeed an interesting slant on the matter.

Naturally the regs are talking about forbidding filling swimming pools

but as you will be only using a little at a time I cannot see how

anyone would ever know.

I'm not saying that it is OK , just that you'll probably not get caught.

If you want to do the 'right thing', I suggest that you take advantage

of the rain (such as that today) and install water storage and capture

from your roof to fill your pool.

Just a few thoughts for you.


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That is Good news indeed Apero

I must admit that I had not checked lately.

Lets hope that there's more of the excellent rain we had yesterday and

today,  to avoid the restrictions this summer. However I would

sill advise pool owners to err on the side of caution and consider

water stockage to help top up the pool dureing the hot months.


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