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ddass clarification pleaseeee


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Hi everyone, can someone please clarify or point  me in the right direction for the rules for direct injection of chlorine for a pool to be used by gite clients.  If it is compulsory to use such a system, does anyone know where to get one from??? we have been quoted around 2-4k euro, but other than that, no one has come back with a set price. Is this because you don't NEED them and they are few and far between, or can you only get them from certain suppliers???   Also do we need to install a shower and foot pool for what would be a max of 20 peeps and if so, what spec??[8-)].Any advice would be greatly appreciated

many thanks for all the advice greatly received on this forum so far in our pool quest!!!


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I have never heard of this before! I have one gite, max occupancy 5.  So even at the very height of summer, if MOH and I were using the pool too, there would only be 7 people using it.  Are any special requirements needed - ie shower/footbath?  I really don't want to have to shell out any more money having just spent a small fortune on an automatic security cover.
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hi nicola

We have been told (be it right or wrong) that if more than one family (us included) use the pool, then it is classed as a public pool.  The cost for being within the regulations is proving quite costly, which is why we are looking for clarification.  I have had two quotes returned so far and both contradict, so I am hoping someone out there knows of the best website etc to get said clarification.

here's hoping[*-)]



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Hi Kimberly

Chlorine direct injection is a preferred technology for water treatment by the



Their reasons are simple:

1. There is no cyanuric acid build up which plagues manually dosed pools

2. The water is constantly and accurately tested, rather than once every once

and a while (if ever)

3, the pool controller will react to chlorine load of people getting into the

pool within 3 minute with a 'dose' of chlorine.

Those are the technical reasons, but there are others, mainly that this machine

is reliable and will keep a constant vigil over the sterility of the water.

Whereas, Gite owners have far too much to do already, to manage the pool

properly. Hence if you choose to install this Controller, your pool will not

only be healthier, and the DDASS happier, you will spend less each year than

with any other system. There is an entry price but it’s less than the cost of a

salt system. PM me if you want the details.

As you are classified as a 'public pool' - where more than one family uses the

pool in this case paying guests, then you need footbaths at each egress and a

shower, preferably near the entry point to the pool. These measures are not

draconian but rather basic hygiene, which is most important in running a

service business. Moreover, these are cheap installations compared to the cost

of defending a claim from a client contracting an infection.

Nonetheless I sympathise with your pain at yet more demands for equipment for

the pool. But consider this, if you wanted to go diving for the first time, you

would hardly do so without first learning how to dive from an authoritative

teacher. My point is, that a pool is not an innocent, benign, static thing;

they can be contrary, difficult and costly. They give a lot of pleasure but you

have to know what you are doing. If your unsure, then ask…!

If I can help you I will


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I found this http://www.jardin-glanum.com/loi-piscine.htm
One part indicates that the rules apply


The law n° 78.733 of July 12, 1978, allows a general action of protection of the users of the swimming pools and arranged bathes others that family....

On the other hand the swimming pools and bathes of the residential sets, being used by several families, are subjected to the law and its texts d.application, like that was envisaged at the time of the parliamentary debates relating to the vote of this law....

In the same way, the swimming pools of private but "paying" use (even indirectly) such as lodgings, rooms d.hôtes, restaurants, rented houses... are subjected to the above mentioned obligations (standards d.hygiene and of safety related to the quality of l.eau, the products d.entretien.).

* Article L. 1332-1 (e.g. L. 25-1) Code health. "

then, they don't!


The swimming pools d.hôtels, camp-sites, village holidays, joint ownership... whose l.usage is exclusively reserved to the customers or to the residents, are of a nature deprived not public and so are subjected to any particular rule concerning the monitoring.

* Circular of August 04, 1981.

An opinion of the council d.Etat during the meeting of January 26, 1993 confirms that this type of swimming pools whose l.accès is reserved to the clean customers should not be regarded as swimming pools open to the public within the meaning of the law n° 51-662 of May 24, 1951 (in l.absence of the delivery d.un paying ticket d.entrée).

Consequently, they are not subjected to monitoring by graduate personnel, even qualified. "

What the blazes?
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