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Pool Opening


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We've opened up my mums above ground pool today, it's had a good 1/3-1/2 emptied over the winter and hivernarge put in, its a 25 cubic meter pool and it looks the same water quality as last year,  Its not perfectly clear and we had problems regulating the chlorine levels throughout the season.

The PH was at 6.8 so we've put ph + in and its now more at 7.4, there arent that many leaves or debris in the pool and I wouldn't say it's murky its just not crystal.  We've filled it up and dad will have pump circulating for the next 24 hours, do we need to shock it and if so whats the best kind of shock, because one year we bought some shock and the chlorine levels were too high all season.  Then we put in  4 in ones once the pool is opened and clean , 2 every 3 or 4 days.

The water in there is now on it's third year although it gets backwashed and filled back up every week.

Any help to get the pool back to its crystal clear water



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Wow.... 2 or more galletes in a 25m3 pool every 3-4 days.... that huge...too


Do you test the water before you put more galletes in? You should not 'over

chlorinate', apart from being unnecessary you are building up the Cyanuric acid

levels to possible dangerous levels. If you reading are all over the place... I

am not surprised then it could be because an excess of Cyanuric Acid

(stabiliser). If that level is not right everything else will go mad and you'll

never get your pool clear no matter what you put in it.

If you send me you address and phone number by PM I'll send you some tabs to

test the Cyanuric levels and we can go from there. I cannot emphasise enough of

the dangers of going overboard with the water treatments. Too many of these

treatments in the water and you'll end up with water which is going to cause

you health problems. (I hesitate at the moment to say what as I do not want to

be scare mongering, but rest assured the problems are not trivial).

This problem is endemic with all manual treatments. That nowhere is there any

information giving advice of what goes with what and what reacts with what. So

the Consumer merrily puts in a bit of this for that and a tad of that for this

and the result is a cocktail with far reaching consequences.

As nearly all of you know by now, I am a fan of Less, Less, Less. That means

Water pure as the Rain, plus a drop of pure chlorine and that’s all. No

Stabiliser, no salt, no flocculants, no anti algae, no 'green pool rescue', no

Hivernage, and definitely no Peroxide. Swimming in your pool should be more

pleasant than having a shower from a water quality point of view, sadly in most

cases in France you have to run to shower to 'wash off' all traces of pool

water. It’s just not necessary.


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we test the water every day and apart from not getting the chlorine levels high enough last year the readings we're fine.  That's when we put the gallettes in, my dad bought a new pump/sand filter and I was wondering if it was that which wasn't on long enough to filter the pool sufficiently.

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When you test the pool do you use reagent drops, strips or DPD1 tabs. If its the latter then alls well, if not then you should change because you are measuring the wrong thing. What readings were you getting?

The new pump and sand filter, what is its capacity.. how many cubic meters per hour does it filter? This will change the cleanliness of the water but will do nothing to the chemical balance, except under special circumstances.







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