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Automatic security roller covers and reopening pool after winter

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I just though I would say how pleased we are with ours.  Apart from the odd leaf in the bottom, the water has remained crystal clear despite no chemicals being added and the filter only being on for an hour a day!  We have just reconnected the automatic pH and chlorine dosing and we are up and ready to go!  No algaecide, no choc, no extra chemicals required!  Have we done something wrong?  Should it be this easy?
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You tease....

You know very well that it is that easy and that you have ..... 'the purest water possible'. Well nearly anyway, if you put zeolite in your filter then you would have it all. An automatic pool.

Automatic santisation with liquid chlorine has to be the easiest and safest pool management ever. You don't choc.. you don't floc... you don't hivernage, ... don't test...... don't salt.........don't even antialgea........... ever!

You just check to make sure that there is some liquid chlor and acid solution in the drums .... and that is it.

The result is.. no horror green when you open up after winter. Just a bit of a chill which will soon go with some sunshine on it. But clear and clean, safe and healthy. QED

Tell us all if that isn't true Maddie


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It IS indeed true!!

It's the first year we've had it over the winter.  There's also thermometer thingy attached to the pump so it comes on automatically if the temperature falls below a certain level in winter.  No need for hivernage or a special winter cover or reducing the water lever (apart from the odd back wash due to excess rain!)

What's zeolite?

Should we do some sort of calibration to make sure that the readings are correct at the beginning of each season?  If so how do we do it?

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Interested to hear MrMDW that automatic sanitisation is working well. You obviously recommend it, what type? did you purchase in France? Going to remove the winter cover and open our pool for the new season next week, wonder what state the water will be in.

Considering getting similar, getting a tad fed up with testing and adjusting the chemicals.


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It was purchased in France and installed when we had the pool built.  We did not really appreciate how easy it would be. (BTW I have no connection to any pool installers!).  This is where the majority of the equipment came from inc the auto security cover http://www.delbrece.fr/indexenglish.htm .  I can't recall the name of the ph/chlorine thingy and it does not appear to be featured on their site but it in their catalogue.  I think it's something like Sk Poolbasic.  I'm sure Andrew would know. 

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Thanks Nicola for the prompt reply, will have a look on the web. Our pool is in now, due to the design a roller cover like you mention is way to pricy so we have installed a security fence, not sure I like it, perhaps it will grow on me.


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  • 2 weeks later...


If you want to talk more about automatic chlorine'pH controllers then PM me

They are an interesting conversation piece as there are moments where disbelief will enter.

"You mean that I don't have to do anything"....."that's right"

Sounds corny but its that simple.Pools should look after themselves I think- they cost enough so you'd think that they wouldn't need pampering.

If you want a Demo then PM me.


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