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Getting Approval for Indoor Pool - Dept 53

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Last year I got the necessary 'declaration de travaux exemptes de permis de construire' which enabled me to close up a disused garage / barn to form a closed room. During the winter I thought it might be a good idea to install a (small 6m x 2.3m) pool so I visited the local Marie who, after mentioning the need to employ an architect if the habilatable space went over 167m2, advised me to set up a meeting with the representative of the Ministere de L'Equipment....which I duly did. At the meeting yesterday the representative said that putting a pool in the room would not require a further planning application and when I asked which other authority I should contact to get any necessary approvals he gave the details of the Dept des Affaires Sanitaires et Sociales.

When I spoke to this dept. the guy reckoned the Dept L'Equipment was wrong and I should have submitted a dossier of information. Eventaully he recommended I prepare the dossier and information and send it to Dept Services Environmental in the same building.

My questions (finally) are:-

To whom should I be applying for permission / regulatory guidance as to what equipment to install?

If, as seems to be the case, the regs are being tightened against salinated and chlorinated systems, which type of water treatment system are the authorities likely to insist on?

Finally, can anyone recommend a manufacturer of a quality one-piece resin pool manufacturer with something around 6m x 2.3m in their range? So far I've only come up with Bakewell Pools - French Manufacture but UK agent.

Thanks for any help given


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