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New pool advice please

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With the warmer weather here we have put up our giant paddling pool.  Its 4.5m diametre and 1m high and has come with a pump and filter thingy.

What I would like to know is how to keep it safe to play in and pleasant to look at.  There is such an array of powders and potions in the supermarkets and my French being rather limited, I hope some good folk out there will give me some advice.

The pool is still filling, and I really want to try and avoid some of the problems some of the other posters have experienced.  I have bought a testing kit, one with the two little tubes, red and yellow.green coloured liquids, would it be advisable to test the water prior to putting anthing in?

Sorry to be such a dunce, its just hubby has put the pool up and then gone to work away for another couple of weeks.

Many thanks


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Hi Dot

Like the new avatar.  Very appropriate.  Hope you don't have to change it soon.

Here's everything you need to know about pools explained very clearly.  I think it's an American site but same applies.

Basically leave your pump on all the time and add chlorine or similar at x intervals depending on your pool volume.  Yours is about 15 cubic metres.

The water you're putting in shouldn't need testing already if it's from the mains.

Swimming pool maintenance


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Thanks again Phil.  You are a little gem of information today.

The web link was very informative, however do you know anything about PH stuff?  Saw that in the shops too.  Do I need to use it/combine it with chlorine?



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Okay, apart from the basics of pump and chlorine, you may want to add stabiliser to extend the life of the chlorine which gets broken down by the sun.  Or just add chlorine more frequently. 

Ph should be between 7.2 and 7.8, you can get chemicals to alter the acidity/alkalinity. 
Acidic water (low ph) causes burning eyes, can age plastics and rubber.  Acid water is less common.  More common is alkaline water (low ph) caused by calcium in hard water areas and makes water cloudy.


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So Phil what you are telling me is the ph stuff I bought yesterday, because I thought I might need it, isn't necessary.  Just use more chlorine.

Now why didn't you tell me that before I went to the shops yesterday?  Can't you read my mind?


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Well, whether you've wasted your money depends what your water ph is.  Likelihood is that your ph falls within the recommended range unless you're in a hard water area.  If you have a problem with limescale round your taps, you are probably in a hard water area (high ph) and need to use an acidic additive to lower the ph.

Chlorine is a different matter - it is to kill bacteria.  But you don't want to overdo the recommended concentration as it can irritate eyes and skin if you put in too much. 

I am much too much of a coward to even consider reading the mind of anyone on this forum - far too frightening a prospect.  Especially on 6/6/6.


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Hi Dotty, I also like your avitar, but your signature is a bit out of date pert etra?

The thinking now is that if you use a sun cream that is a total 'sun block' it interferes with the body's production of vitimin 'd' and can cause rickets. I have never used sun cream even though I spent 2 1/2 years in Malta as a child (11 ish) and 2 1/2 years in Singapore in the R.A.F. I may well be quite rickity, but that's down to being bloody old.

The testing kit you have will, by the sound of it, test the level of chlorine and the PH in the pool. I have been advised to use DPD1 and Phenol red tablets to do the water testing because they are much more accurate. The DPD1 does the chlor and the P red does the PH. They are very easy to use.

I was in our pool today for the first time this year. I was 'testing' the new hinges that I have just fitted to the pool ladder. The idea is that when the safety cover is in place the ladder is just hinged up out of the way and when the pool is in use it is hinged back into the pool. Well I had to make sure it's safe and it took my 13 1/2 stone no problems!!! We, OH and me, spent the next hour scrubbing the winter muck off the safety cover. They don't tell you just how mucky they get when they flog them do you Pool Guy (Oh hell, that's me in the 'merde' again???)

Good luck, observe ALL of the safety with children and enjoy your pool.


P.S. Something that I forgot to mention was that I invested in a book called 'The Ultimate Pool Maintenance Manual' by a guy called Terry Tamminen. It's a good little pocket guide to all you need to know and is only 2 inches thick (almost 700 pages). OK it's probably over the top for what you want or need, but it is a very good book with a boat load or should I say a pool of info [+o(]. You can get it from Amazon for £11.87. Good value I think?

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The kids have been using the pool for about a week now.  I have been putting in the chlorine tablets (following the instructions on the tin) and running the pump for 6 hours on average a day, 3 before the kids use it and 3 after.  However, my ph level is still not ideal, its on the higher side and my chlorine idicator shows that there is no chlorine in the water.

Help, please?

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I am always happy to share.

As anyone who has sent me their problems, contact details and some pics will testify.

Its just that, there are so many people to visit and help at the moment

that I cannot afford the time to do the typing. Its quicker to do the

detective work over the phone. Queston and answer style.

So for all of those people who have asked for help and/or information,

I'm am getting to you and I will reply but just bear with me for a bit

-the list is very long. But having said that, there is no harm in a

little reminder via Email. But please always include full name, address

and contact details, also the usefullness of a pic of you pool cannot

be overstated, I can tell a lot from that.


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