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How do storms effect Pools?


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Our  pool company, (now gone bust), advised us to keep our filtration on when there are storms.

Does anyone know why? apart from the obvious like extra debris getting into the pool.

The reason I ask is that after a storm last night I have lost my chlorine levels. It is a salt water system, the output shows fine, the salt level is fine, the electrodes are clean, the ph is fine, but no chlorine.

I test every day, and the chlorine has disappeared overnight.

Any help and advice gratefully recieved.

Many thanks.

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That's odd.  I have a salt pool and when I checked my levels today after a violent storm in the early hours last night the chlore was showing zero (and the Ph a little high). I have to admit though that I haven't checked the levels for a while as it was all running very smoothly at 80% production.

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Its evident that the static electricity in the air which is

particularly high during a storm will burn off chlorine  and make

the pH reack sometimes wildly.

The pool company where telling you to run you pool throughout so that

the eletrolyser can keep making chlorine to catch up. You can do the

same thing by adding some Chlor choc in the next day or as an

alternative add Javel (liquid chlorine).

Balance pH as normal but do not under any circumstances over

compensate, as then you will get pH 'bounce' which is very hard to



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Many thanks for that, that may just explain it. I have shocked the system and got my level back up. But my ph went down to 6.6,which seems a tad low, but I will not play with that as I have an automatic ph regulator.

Once again many thanks for your help and advice.

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