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Confused over permission

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Been to our maire to see if we needed permission for an obove ground pool (partiallay in the ground).

She showed us a booklet (with English translation) and under the heading exempt from permission was - uncovered swimming pool, we had to fill a form in and was told it would take 2 months.

The form is - Declaration De Travaux Exemptes de Permis de construire

So I assume this is to let them know what we are doing

Do you think we are ok to go ahead.

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This is an "ordinary" declaration de travaux. It is an application, like a Permis de construire, for building works that are not covered by a PdeC. You must wait for permission before starting work. People will have 2 months to object, after the permission has been granted.

As I understand it, a partially buried above-ground pool is considered to be a permanent structure (and therefor a "proper" pool).

This is the case here (22). Your experience may vary!


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Nice one, we are in a similar situation, been waiting for a reply on this.

We are in 85 and was also showed under Exempt de permis but still had to apply (for something).

We was asked if it could be put away! i said well it dismantles so its possilble.

We hoped to have it in place for next month for family and friends visiting.


Desicions desicions

I Knew we should have done it a few months ago, it gets hot we want a pool, when oit gets cold we need wood and cant get any that will burn!!!

Ours is roughly 7.5m x 4.5m so will have to see whats said

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I think it may depend on where you live. Our local mairie says that over 20 square metres we need full permission; the swimming pool company says we don't and appeared genuinely surprised by the rule.

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